"I'd love to." I tried to dim my grin a little, not wanting to appear creepy, but I wasn't too sure whether it worked.

"Great!" Robert seemed considerably calmer after I had let him out of his misery. He was too cute when he had that expression on his face.

We exchanged phone numbers and promised in jest to text each other regularly. But — somehow — I didn't think that we would have too much difficulty in fulfilling the promise. We seemed to have so much fun when we were in each other's company.

Then came time for one of the slow dances. During the whole thing; we messed about. At that age, we wouldn't take slow dances very seriously. We pretended to waltz around the dancefloor, spinning as we did so. We must have thought we were on Strictly Come Dancing (a favourite show of my parents, but I ignored it when it was on during Saturday evenings. There were plenty of better things I could do with my time). Because we were spinning so out of control, we almost flew onto the buffet table. Note to self; take some dance lessons...

Again, at fifteen minutes to midnight, we all made our way outside, donning our coats as we did so. It was time to listen to Frank's speech. Robert and I parted ways as he wandered off to stand with his parents, and I went to find mine.

I threw my mum and dad a huge grin when I saw them standing next to each other and I joined them. Mum seemed a little surprised at my cheerful disposition, which was no genuine shock to me. At the start of the night, I kicked and screamed as they tried to heave me out of the house. So, they must have expected a daughter in a similar mood by the end of the night.

"You seem happy," Dad commented quietly, not wanting to interrupt Frank's annual speech. That wouldn't keep him in the good books, for sure.

I shrugged, keeping nonchalant. "I've had a good night, that's all."

"Yes, I've seen you laughing with Robert all night." Mum then said, making sure she voiced her opinion. "You seem to get along with him quite well."

"Yep." I smiled. "He's a great guy."

We could say no more on the matter because the countdown began. Before we even got to the number one, my gaze was up at the sky, anticipating the bright colours and loud bangs of the fireworks.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" We all shouted and sure enough, the entire sky was ablaze with an assortment of fireworks. My mouth dropped open as I looked up in awe at the bright colours.

Fireworks were the best part about New Year's Eve, without a doubt.

When the firework display was drawing to a close, I rounded on my parents and gave them an enormous hug. We all wished each other a Happy New Year before seeking other people to send our best wishes to.

I had only one person in my sights as I saw Robert hugging his mother. I skipped towards them both with a huge smile on my face. That was the thing about fireworks; they never failed to put me in a good mood, no matter how Grinch-like I acted.

"Happy New Year, Mrs Jackson." I grinned at Robert's mum.

"Thank you, sweetheart." She smiled. Frank's wife always seemed to have a beautiful smile for anyone. "Happy New Year to you as well."

I thanked her. She waved to Robert and me before she walked off to find her husband, who was talking to a lot of his employees.

When Robert and I were alone, I stepped forward and threw my arms around him. It didn't take long for Robert to place his arms around my waist and squeeze me back. There was no doubt if Robert wasn't here tonight, it would have been unbearable and undeniably boring.

And might I add, Robert gave the best hugs ever.

"I've had such a good night." I smiled into Robert's shoulder as I gave him one last squeeze. "Believe it or not, I've had fun!"

"You? Have fun? At this party? I don't believe it!" Robert exclaimed as we released each other from the hug.

"Shut up." I punched him in the shoulder.

"I'm going to pretend that it hurts, so it makes you feel better." He said, clutching his shoulder with a fake pained look in his eyes. "No, seriously." He said as he straightened up. "I've had a great night too, and it was all down to you. I can't imagine how much havoc we are going to cause if we meet up outside of this party."

"Oh, I dread to think!" I chuckled, mimicking Robert's dramatic tone. I placed the back of my hand on my forehead, pretending to be as dramatic as possible and completely failing. Acting clearly was not in my destiny.

We were both silent for a moment, as our joking and laughter died down. Taking a moment, we absorbed the environment. Everyone seemed joyous and excited about the prospect of what the New Year might hold. I had to admit; I was extremely excited to see what adventures were waiting for me as the year 2005 unfolded.

Robert smiled at me, breaking me out of my silent reverie. He placed a hand on the top of my head, whilst messing up my already crazy hair; I chuckled as I pushed his arm away.

"Happy New Year, Scarlett," Said Robert.

"Happy New Year, Robert," I replied.

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