Please Save Me: FandomTrashSammy Ch.6

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Well... So what happens is... Uh... Just read it...


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“G-grillby,” Sans slurrs sluggishly, “c-can I have j-just o-one more?”

Sans is completely and utterly drunk. He’s slurring over his words, not making any sense in most sentences.

Grillby sends a look over to Sans and shakes his head ‘no’ for the fifth time. Honestly, Grillby never expected to see this Sans in his bar. The few times he has been it was only if his Papyrus and Sans were there too. Something really serious must've happened to cause the little guy to drink this much. 4 full bottles of Grillbys hardest liquor.

“W-well that's okay,” Sans pauses to hiccup to himself quietly, “I have t-to do something any-anyway.”

Sans wasn't lying. As he walks out of Grillbys he has one goal on his mind. And until he completes it he won't be able to function correctly. With that thought he walks back to the classics house.

“H-hey, Classic!” Sans calls out as soon as he manages to make it through the door. He has a dopey smile on his face, but he actually looks relaxed and at ease again.

Classic is quick to come to Sans’ voice. He was worried about where the smol blueberry had gotten himself until he heard his drunk voice echo slightly throughout the house. Classic appears in front of Sans in a matter of seconds.

“Y-you need to ta-take me to Papy!” Sans wobbles a bit as he tries to look serious, only to giggle to himself.

Classic sighs loudly. “Blue, you need to sleep.”

“No! I ne-need to talk to Pap-Papy!” Sans hiccups again, but the determined look on his face doesn't waver this time.

Classic is conflicted. Not only is Blue drunk, he also wants to see Papy. The same Papy who was only hours ago threatening to attack him, over something. Classic had yet to figure out what exactly, but he will do so.

Classic weighs his options carefully. If he takes Blue back, however, things could somehow fix themselves and Blue could be happy again, so could Papy. With another larger sigh Classic takes Blues hand and transports them both back to the Swap universe before Classic leaves Sans alone for a bit.

Sans drunkingly stumbles inside his home, the determined look still on his face as he spots Pappy on the large sofa, along with the Underfells. The trio rush to stand up at the sound of the door opening.

Before the others can speak, Sans starts talking.

“Y-you guys don't understand!” His drunk yet angry tone call out, his glowing pupils looking between the trios shocked ones.

“Y-you don't understand what it is to fe-feel this kind of pain!” Tears of frustration gather in his eyes.

“What the hell are you-” Boss starts only to get cut off.

Shut the fuck up!” Sans’ furious voice bounces off the walls.

An eerie silence is broken by Sans continuing.

“You mother fuckers don't fucking unde-understand the fear of your own brother!” The word seems foreign to Sans now. “The fear of all your f r i e n d s.” Sans eye sockets go dark as he curls Into himself slightly. Pulling his arms up to his chest as he uses his hands to prod at the handkerchief around his neck and his posture becomes less confident. His gaze turns to his shoes.

“I-I was so scared. Th-that i’d say something wrong and it would all happen again.” Sans takes a gulp of air as tears stream down his face. “The-the-the touching and th-the pain. An-and I would always say stop like Pa-Papy used to tell me to bu-but it didn't stop, it never stopped.” His voice gets weaker as his words get darker.

“I would scream, and beg, and plead to whatever higher power is out there that the pain would go away but it never did.” Sans squints his eyes shut with a grimace. “But I can't take it anymore.”

Sans looks back up to the trio, he arms extended to his sides as his pose returns to its confident stance. His left eye is blazing a baby blue mist as his right eye is completely black all while tears continue to stream down his cheeks.

“I can't. My soul with break. I will break. I can't take anymore beatings, anymore touching, torture. I can't fucking take being used as a fucking sex toy just so you can feel a little better.” Sans’ voice turns from weak and depressed to passionate rage in matter of moments.

Sans wobbles slightly as a wave of dizziness hits him, causing him to lift a hand to hold his head as his eyes shut tightly. He has to lean on the nearest wall just so he won't fall.

“No, I don't want it.” Sans slides down the wall and curls into himself, all previous anger lost as his face returns to its depressed state, eye sockets losing their glow.

“I o-only wanted love. I didn't want this. I didn't ask for this. I..” Sans voice is in a whisper, he's talking to himself now. “It's all my fault, isn't it.”

Sans pulls his legs to himself as he buries his head there, crying out his eyes.

“I loved you.”

It is quiet again. Nobody makes a sound other than Sans’ quiet sobs. Everyone nearby can hear the loud crack that comes from Sans’ chest. From his soul.

Sans passes out. Maybe from the alcohol. Maybe from pain.

Classic ran forward as soon as he heard the crack. He knew something was wrong, but now that he knows he isn't sure if he wants too.

Papy was starting to walk towards Blue with tears in his eyes before Classic arrived in front of Blue first, protecting his weak form. Classic has a hard glare set in his features as his left eye blazes.

The Underfell bros are nowhere to be seen. Red must've gotten them out of there.

Papy is quick to get into a fighting stance, his right eye flaring up a bright orange.

“I knew something was up. From the moment I found him crying in the middle of the woods the first day I got here.”

Classic summons a Gaster Blaster behind him.

“But now that I know..” A dark look flashes over Classics face. “Let's just say..”

“ Y O U ‘ R E   I N   F O R   A   V E R Y   B A D   T I M E.”


Plz don't hate me I have plans (no I don't) 
I really would appreciate it if ya left your ideas in the comments to I can know what you want to happen, ect.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2016 ⏰

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