Please Save Me: FandomTrashSammy Ch.5

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“I already told you i’m fine, what else do you want me to say?” Sans manages to say without his voice cracking.
“How ‘bout the fucking truth.” Papyrus growls out. Sans’ entire body tenses up.
“T-that is the truth!” Sans pants out, you could hear the fear in his voice.
“No it’s fucking not!” Papyrus releases his hold on Sans only to slam his fists onto the counter on both sides of Sans. 
Sans looks at Papyrus’ face. Papyrus had that look again. The one he is all too familiar with. The one that quite literally haunts his nightmares.
Papyrus leans his face closer to Sans’. Sans’ is put into a panic.
Sans squints his terrified eyes closed in fear as he turns his head away from Papyrus’. Sans puts his arms over his chest and grips onto the soft black handkerchief.
“N-no please, Papyrus! Not again! I-i-i-i didn’t even d-do anything this time. I-I’ll listen! Not again please not again!” Sans terrified voice booms out in the eerie silence. Tears are already streaming down Sans’ face, causing his hiccups and gasps of breath to echo slightly.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Everyone is silent, aside from blues cries. Nobody knows what to do. Nobody is used to the little blueberry having a complete and utter breakdown. Well, I use the term ‘nobody’ very loosely.

 Eventually Sans calms himself down enough to stand and function. He softly asks Classic to set him down in which Classic did with such a gentle touch that Sans was shocked for a moment.

 Sans looks around for Papyrus- Undertale Papyrus. When he doesn’t see him he turns towards the stairs. Sans hates the feeling of everyone's eyes on him. The feeling of being so utterly vulnerable and open. Sans visibly jumps when a large hand  grabs his arm.

 “Don’t fucking touch me!” Sans yells out, not even looking to see who it was as he runs up to his room, locking the door behind him.


 Nobody moves after Sans short outburst. Especially after hearing how hard he slammed his door afterwards.

 Blue's Papyrus stands at the end of the stairs in total shock. He doesn’t even know what to feel. Well, now he definitely knows something is wrong now.

 “Okay, what the hell just happened?” Reds  -Underfells Sans- voice breaks the silence.

 “I… I don’t know.” US!Papyrus replies. His voice sounding scared almost.

 Classic notices the look both the Papyrus’ and Red give each other, but not even he could determine what it was exactly.


 Classic is confused as fuck, to put it nicely. He knows something is wrong know too. For so many reasons.

 Blue is always happy. He would say almost annoyingly so, but that’d be a lie. Classic always looked up to his Papyrus and Blue just because of that. What could’ve happened to the little guy to make him so.. Classic finds himself thinking, yet not being able to finish the thought.

 Classic glances at the skeletons who are now conversing with each other. He doesn't know what they say, but mostly US!Papyrus is talking. Classic can’t place it, he can’t prove anything, but something is off. Wrong. Bad even. He just feels it. And he hates not knowing.


 Sans doesn’t know what to do. If he leaves his room, he’ll get yelled at, he could get punished again. His soul hurts . He wants to talk to someone, but he doesn’t want to be anymore of a burden than he already is.

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