Please Save Me: FandomTrashSammy Ch.4

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Sans nightmare reveals a lot. Sans also has a mental break-down, gets sorta saved by Undertale Sans, and is pushed into his biggest fears.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"sans?" Papys voice calls out.

Sans feels like a ghost. He's watching everything happen, he's forced to watch the horror he brought upon himself. It's all his fault.. Right?

Sans see's himself go into the living room where Papyrus is.

They aren't in their house though. They're in the Underfell brothers house, where it all started.

Sans is already yelling at himself. Screaming, begging, pleading for himself to just wake the fuck up already. By now he's quick to realize these were just terrible memories that always plague his rests.

Memory Sans looks up at Papyrus with a huge, real smile.

"Yes, Papy!" Memory Sans says to Papyrus.

Papyrus has an odd look on his face. Sans was to innocent to know what it was then, but now that he does, he wishes he didn't. It's a look of primal, lust-driven hunger. One Sans was quick to learn he hates.

"Wanna play a game?" Papyrus asks him.

Sans is trying as best he can to make change things, to force his memory to change and just say 'no'. Sans still remembers what when through his head during that moment. He remembers being so happy that his lazy-bones brother finally wants to play a game with him. Being so happy they could actually spend quality time with one another. So he was quick to practically shout his answer.

Memory Sans' pupils turn into stars. "Of course, Papy!"

Papyrus ever so gently grasps Sans' small hand in one of his much larger ones. Papyrus leads Sans up the stairs and into the room at the end of the hall, Underfell Sans' room. Papyrus leads Sans to sit on the bed, closing the door behind him.

"What game are we playing, Papy?" Memory Sans asks in a happy yet confused tone. A dark smirk replaces Papyrus' usually lazy smile.

Sans, who was watching the whole ordeal with a dull, vacant look, switches positions in the nightmare. Now he's viewing it all how it was, through his own eyes. He's feeling the emotions now, rather than remembering them.

"It's a surprise." Papyrus' eyes look over Sans, from head to toe. "But, you have aren't allowed to look." Papyrus says while untying Sans' precious blue scarf, only to tie it back around his eye sockets.

"O-oh, okay!" Sans feels a small shiver of fear work its way up his back, but he trusts Papyrus. So even if something bad happens, Papyrus would protect him.

"Make a tongue and open your mouth as wide as you can. Im gonna.." Papyrus' voice trails off, as if he's trying to find the correct wording. "Gonna give you a treat." Papyrus finishes.

Hesitantly Sans complies. Sans can hear Papyrus shuffling in the otherwise quiet room.

"Put your hands behind you." Papyrus orders. Sans complies.

With a snap from Papyrus, Sans' hands are bound behind his back due to Papyrus' magic.

Just before Sans can complain, or speak at all really, something is shoved into his mouth. Sans has no clue what it is, but he gags when it hits the back of his throat. Papyrus lets out a mewl like sound as Sans uses his tongue to figure out what the object is. It doesn't really have a flavor, but leaves a sour taste in his mouth. It's long and hard, it seems to pulsing and feels oddly warm. Before Sans can determine anymore the object pulls out, almost completely, until its plunged back in.

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