Please Save Me: FandomTrashSammy Ch 3

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Chapter 3: Chapter Three


Oh? What's this? The Underfell bros will be arriving tomorrow?

I have thought of an okay schedule I shall try to work with. I will try to update every other day. With that being said enjoy! I'm a slut for comments btw.

Chapter Text

"sans? What are you doin' up at 2am?" Papyrus' voice draws Sans out of his dark thoughts, but Sans is quick to put a smile on his face.

'C'mon whats a good excuse Papy would believe..' Sans thinks to himself. 'Aha!'

"That stupid mutt stole my action figure! I, the Magnificent Sans, chased it around for a while, until I got famished." Sans tells Papyrus, making his voice sound exciting and turning his eyes to stars.

After a while, when Papyrus doesn't reply, Sans glances at him curiously.

"are you okay?" Papyrus askes Sans with a soft voice.

"Huh? Why wouldn't I be? The Magnificent Sans will get his action figure back!" Sans plays off the question with a bright smile.

"bro, you never drink ketchup." Papyrus says while throwing a glance to the bottle.

"Well I didn't want to waste anymore time making tea so I grabbed the nearest thing." Sans replies like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

Sans seems calm and collected on the outside, but on the inside his mind is screaming for him to run, to get away from the danger. The danger being his brother. What if he catches on? What if he decides to punish Sans again? Sans doesn't want to play that 'game' with Papyrus anymore. Sans places the ketchup bottle on the counter.

"c'mon, I'm tucking you in bed. maybe you'll stay this time." Papyrus is quick to reach out and grab Sans, lifting him from underneath his arm sockets(?) and starts walking towards Sans' room.

Sans eye sockets turn black as soon as he notices Papyrus reaching for him. Sans' body turns frigid at the contact, but Papyrus doesn't seem to notice, that or he just doesn't care. The only things running through his mind are memories of being carried like this in a not so pleasant way.

Sans' uses his arms to hug himself as he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He forces his eyes to turn back to normal and fakes a yawn, though he's nowhere near tired.

As soon as Papyrus tucks Sans in, leaving a chaste kiss on Sans' sweaty forehead, he stretches before beginning to speak.
"oh, by the way, the undertale and under fell bros are supposed to be here tomorrow. science meeting." Papyrus' voice has an odd emotion Sans doesn't recognize.

Sans just pretends to be asleep.

Papyrus sighs happily before leaving the room and going to his own.

The moment Sans hears papyrus' door close, he jumps out of bed. He does not want to be here when the fell bros are. Sans quietly steps out of his room, into the living space, and rushes out the front door, quietly closing it behind him.

"I just need a fucking break." Sans mumbles as he looks at his shoes. He's walking in the forests, right before you reach Snowdin. Sans doesn't even realize he cursed due to all the thoughts running through his head.

When Sans finally reaches his destination, a very old run down shack he found when he got lost once. He's the only one who knows it exists. It's become his place. Instead of going over his puzzles like he's suppose to do, he comes here. Sans doesn't even care if he makes it into the Royal Guard or not, anymore.

Sans walks into the shack, heading for the old bed in the corner. It's not dirty on the inside. Sans cleaned it out the moment he found the place. He wasn't going to get magic-sickness from dust again. Well that and dusty places remind him of too much.

Sans lays down and curls himself into a ball. He is still in his pj's. He was in too much of a hurry to leave than to wait on changing clothes.

'What.. What did I do?' Sans finds himself thinking. 'Was I not decent enough to at least be normal? I should have tried harder.' Light neon blue tears gather in Sans' eye sockets. Slowly, they ease their way down his cheeks in large droplets. Sans' eyes burn, and it feels like there's something lodged it his non-existent-yet-magically-there throat.

Sans doesn't hear how a storm brews outside due to his broken sobs. He also doesn't hear himself repeating 'all my fault' over and over again. But worst of all...

Sans doesn't hear as his soul emits another crack.

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