Sweet dreams (and a Contest!)

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(Hay Mar here and we are going to have a little contest. So as most of you know, Im kinda behind on all these questions and If you comment something I wont get to it for almost a month or two. But Im going to do a thing that one of the questions left for the dreemurr siblings on this chapter will get answered right away and will be in the very next chapter! Also not only that but it will be featured in a speed paint that I will be doing to show you guys how I make one of these comics. Here are the rules. Your question must be for all three of them or just for Frisk or Asriel. I have to many Chara questions and this isnt a just Chara QNA. Next, all questions on this chapter will get answered, but only one will get the special treatment. Next, you can only enter two questions for the contest. Finally, If your Question is for Chara only It will be answered but It wont be submitted into this contest. Also god for bid nobody enters -which i kinda doubt- Ill just select a random question Ive gotten in this book. So yeah leave your comments and may the odds ever be in your favor!)

@KittenRobot on wattpad- hey Chara what are your dreams like?

Chara: Well it depends. If I just take a nap, then my dreams are normally about me and my siblings doing something. If I take a nap after eating a whole bunch of chocolate then Ill be having dreams like Mabel pines does in the gravity falls episode The Inconveniencing

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