John: Army days

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Ayup guys, nothing much to report so I guess we might as well get started :) as per usual:
Y/N-your name
Y/L/N-your last name
Your POV
You let out a sigh as you turned over in bed to face your husband (this isn't connected to the previous John imagine 'Denial' just so ya know). Today was the day. The day John was leaving to go to Afghanistan.

Of course, you didn't want him to go but you understood that he would be needed out there. You watched sadly as he stretched out and looked at you.
"Morning." He yawned and kissed the top of your head sleepily.
"Morning, you'd better get up though, you need to be at the airport at 11:00am." John nodded and swung his legs over the side of the bed, slipping his feet into the warm fluffy slippers you'd given to him last Christmas. It seemed like a life time ago.

After another ten minutes you followed his lead and got up. The smell of toast wafted from the kitchen making your mouth water at the thought of it. John smiled warmly at you as you entered the homely and familiar room. A plate of buttered toast was slid towards you along with a pot of jam. The kettle gave a shrill whistle to indicate that it was ready. John walked over to it and poured the two of you a cup of tea (I'm aware that this is all terribly British but I am so I guess you'll have to make do 😅).

John looked at you, as though he was expecting some kind of conversation. You cleared your throat nervously and opened your mouth to speak.
"John, I er-I hope that you'll be careful out there. Please come home safe and sound." He let out a sigh and sat down next to you.
"Y/N, I know you don't want me to go but it's my duty. I just feel as though I need to help out as much as I can." You nodded but looked away, taking interest in a dark stain on the side of your cup that couldn't be removed. Your finger traced the outer ring of the mark delicately.

A pair of warm hands removed your fingers from the mug and held onto them firmly. John looked down at you and gave you a reassuring smile.
"Come on, I need to get my belongings together." He tugged you to your feet and pulled you out of the room after him.

-le grand time skip-

The announcement John had been waiting for buzzed through the intercom above you. Men and women alike said goodbye to their families as they collected together their bags and headed towards the plane that was now, unfortunately, ready for boarding.

Your husband smiled at some familiar faces that passed him by before turning his attention to you. You tried to look happy and pleased for him but deep down you were worried and John knew it. He lifted your chin up so he could look you in the eye.
"Stop worrying Y/N, I'll be back before you know it." You nodded because you understood. He would be fine. It didn't stop the anxiety from nibbling away at you.

Another announcement chimed saying that all passengers hoping to leave had to go now. You kissed John quickly on the lips and ushered him towards the plane.
"I know you will. You promise right?" He gave you his signature grin and winked.
"Promise." You gave him a quick salute which he returned, before turning around and walking towards the plane.

You watched as it sped off down the runway and lifted up into the dazzling blue sky above.

He'd be fine.

A/N ayup cumberbeans, I hope you enjoyed this imagine. Thanks for 460 reads. I guess I'll see ya soon! Baiiiiiii-L :)

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