The Maynard's.

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Vanessa's Point Of View

I stretched as I creak my eyes open to see Joe sitting on the edge of the bed with a large air horn.

Instantly I put my head underneath the duvet and cover my ears by pressing my fingers into them.

"Vanessa! I know your awake, I'm not going to press the air horn." He muffles, well probably isn't but my ears are covered.

Keeping my fingers on my ears I sit up, to hear the air horn. Slightly jumping as I didn't entirely expect the horn to be pressed.

"Joe! You dick!" I shout at him, whacking the air horn.

"That's what you get for sleeping past 9am." He says, falling of the bed in laughter.

"Wait. What?" I say, in slight confusion realising what he said.

"It is one past nine." He said, then laughing again.

"How can you be this energetic at this time?" I ask him.

"Because, it's a good day." He tells me.

"How?" I ask, kind of worrying about the answer.

"Well, two of my friends are going to come over. It might help if you talk to them to make yourself more confident." He tells me, being completely serious.

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