Chapter 1-Yellow Eyes

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   I was standing next to my half sister, Patty. "How come you look so shiny today?" she asked? I laughed, "Apollo and I ran through the stream yesterday." "Oh," we both laughed. Apollo trotted up to us, "how's my two pretty mares today?"
   Okay, before I go on, I should probably tell you what's what. Apollo, Patty, some of the other herd members, and I were all raised in an Arabian and Saddlebred barn. We escaped to freedom one night and some of the horses followed us.
   Patty, is my half sister. We share the same dad. She's older than me though, by like 12 years. She's an Arabian/Saddlebred, just like me. Except she is bay like her mother.
   Apollo, he's my boyfriend, I guess you could say. He's full Arabian, but doesn't look like it with he's huge forehead and extreme muscles. Sigh.
   There are other horses in our herd. Maximus, who likes me and takes care of me. We're like siblings. Summer, a yearling who's mom ran away from the herd, not wanting the responsibility of a foal. Now the mares, Apollo (her real dad), and I take care of her. Benny, another yearling, his mom is Amerilis. We call her Am. She's a paint. Alicia, who's the tallest of the herd and is a full bred Saddlebred. Uptown, a previous show horse from Texas. And last but not least, a white horse named Moon Lighter (Lighter for short). So that's my herd.
   Now, where was I? Ah yes, Apollo said, "How's my two pretty mares today?" We both laughed. "Patty, you should probably get down with the herd and get some rest. Tomorrow we are going to move further south. I remember Max telling me there's a waterfall down there." Patty nodded and walked off.
   Apollo and I climbed up on a hill, about five feet or more up from the herd so we could see everyone. We would take turns watching over the herd. Apollo laid down besides me and waited until I fell asleep. It must not have been long, because I soon drifted off.
   About an hour later, Apollo nudged me and I stood up. He laid down. It was his turn to sleep. I listened to his breathing and felt the cool air between my ears.
   It must not have been long, all but a half an hour later that I saw something. I raised my ears up. It's bright yellow eyes pierced the darkness. It slowly crept out of the under brush. It was a mountain lion! And he was heading strait towards Summer!

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