Bells Are Ringing

Start from the beginning

"I'm really excited for this one. It's our biggest line up yet, and we actually talked Jensen and Jared into being here all three days! They've also decided that their autograph sales on all three days will go to charity too." He told you, before he was pulled away by one of his associates.

Glancing at your clock, you noticed that registration was starting in less than two hours. Checking your list once again, you breathed a sigh of relief when you noticed most everything had been done. Making your way back up the hallway, you were surprised to see fans had already started lining up along the walls. You wereshocked to see they ranged anywhere from tweens, to older woman, with some men thrown in for good measure. You listened as they welcomed each other, acting as old friends that hadn't seen each other in years. It was nothing like the normal conventions you ran, and you were curious to see how the rest of the weekend turned out.

Making your way back to the main lobby, you watched as a new variety of guests made their way to the front desk. Mixed in with the fur, and the expensive clothes, were giggling women with curious symbols etched onto their t-shirts, or faces of strange men. It was an interesting mixture, and you could see some of the older patrons giving the other, new guests curious glances.

"I hope you're right about this. If not, it's your job on the line." Brian, the manager wheezed, as he wiped the sweat from his face. You stared at him in distaste. He might be your boss, but you had never cared for the man, especially since he had made a pass at you less than a week ago. After you had turned him down, he had started complaining about everything you did, and you knew he was looking for one reason to sack your ass.

"I think it will go great." You said, crossing your fingers, hoping you were right. Truthfully, you loved your job, loved bringing new and exciting things to the hotel, to your beloved city. And this, a Supernatural Convention, was your biggest, and riskiest one yet.

"It better." He threatened, just as one of the front desk staff waived you over.

"Y/N, this is Richard Speight Jr. And Rob Benedict. They are the main hosts for the convention." Bella said, her eyes lighting up at the actors in front of her.

"Hi." The one with amazing blue eyes said, holding out his hand. "Usually we stay in separate hotels from the convention, but I'm glad they put us up in this one. I've always wanted to stay here."

"Don't hog her." Richard said, pushing Rob out of the way, taking your hand. "We heard you are the wonderful lady in charge of the whole thing."

"I am. Let's have Bob, the bellboy, take your items to your room, and I'll show you around."

Agreeing, they followed you, one on each side, as you took them back down the hallway, smiling as the fans grew excited over the two men. "Of course I will show you all the hidden hallways. But I thought you might enjoy seeing the main area first. Especially since it's not that busy yet."

You took them into the main ballroom, watching as Rob made his way to the stage, looking at the musical instruments, and sound system. "We partnered with your convention staff, to create a wonderful sound system. We already had many of the speakers and stuff set up." You explained, as Rob stared up into the ceiling.

"Rob is a musician, and will be singing most of the weekend. So it's important to him that he has the right system." Richard told you.

Rob came bounding off the stage. "Wow, this is the best system ever! I can't wait for our concert on Saturday!"

You blushed a little. "We try hard to make everything as wonderful as possible."

After showing them the green room, and the hidden hallways, you left them to make their way to their rooms, while you went to yours. Your first year on the job, you had tried keeping an apartment, but soon cobwebs and dust had filled it with how busy you were. Instead, the hotel had offered a suit on the main floor, off to the side, and you had accepted.

It was small, with a tiny sitting room, a bedroom and a bathroom, but it served it's purpose. Toeing off your sensible flats, you collapsed onto one of your plush chairs, pulling out your tablet. After ordering a simple room service meal of soup, you turned your attention back to work. Typing in Supernatural, you waited to see what pulled up. You had done a little research when you had first booked this convention, knowing it was the longest running syfy show. You knew it had a huge, and passionate fan base, but that was about it.

Scrolling through pages of fan stories, and news articles, you stopped when you came to a picture of the two leading men. "They are definitely not boys." You thought to yourself, staring at the two extremely handsome men. They were both in their thirties, and it said that the taller one Jared, was happily married with two wonderful children. But it was Jensen that drew you to him, with his green eyes, and plump lips. Not much was written down, except that he lived between Vancouver and Austin, his relationship with his girlfriend of ten years ending about a year ago.

Hearing the knock signaling the arrival of your food, you turned the tablet off, thinking that you were going to have your hands full with these two. While they seemed nice, especially since they were giving time up for charity, you wondered if it was an act. If they were truly as nice as they seemed. Or if they were another set of self absorbed actors, that thought they were better than anyone else.

Thinking the last one was probably closest to the truth, you figured your weekend would probably be that much harder, making sure they had everything their spoiled hearts could desire. But it made you sad, knowing that these men those fans idolized probably didn't even care about them at all.

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