"And I wish I hadn't! You shouldn't have put your dirty paws on Hernández, so, in a way, it's actually your fault why your here!" 

I turned around and gave Feliciana a pitying look. "Oh really?"

Feliciana roared in anger. "Ugh, you are so infuriating! Listen here bitch, know your place. I don't know if you forgot where it is you actually are, but I'll be happy to remind you. You are in our territory, wearing our clothes, eating our food, using our utilities, breathing our air, and taking up our space. In this place, you are the lowest of the low, a slimy cockroach we let crawl in and refuse to kill because that is not the way we operate with those that have done us no harm. You are at our mercy, and as such, you best watch your mouth and show us a little respect. Go out of line again with your behavior and I'll take that gun from Diamonte and beat the shit out of you with it."

I clenched my fists and adjusted my stance. "I wish you would--"

"Quiet!" Diamonte interjected. "Both of you shut up right now. We don't have time for this."

Feliciana and I glared ominously at each other before simultaneously huffing and looking away.

"Now let's go Lizanna, out the door." She motioned with her gun.

"I don't have any shoes," I uttered bitterly.

She made a face as if noticing for the first time. "Feliciana, can you please go to my room and get a pair of my Nike running shoes? We'll meet you in the car."

Feliciana nodded before exiting out of the door with us in tow behind her. Silently, we made our way down a series of halls and stairs, Feliciana taking another route to Diamonte's room as we continued.

We passed by numerous armed men dressed in casual clothing, all of them saluting or greeting Diamonte and glaring at me. I ignored them though and continued to assess my surroundings, looking for any possible weaknesses in this heavily guarded prison that could aid me in my escape. 

"Listen Lizanna, please behave. Where we are going, the people there expect nothing but respect."

"Why should I, a dignified police officer, do that, huh? I would be tarnishing the very title of an officer and the values I uphold by bowing my head to criminals like you." A surge of white hot anger pumped through my veins at the thought and I clenched my teeth hard.

Diamonte seemed to register what I said based on her thoughtful hum. "I didn't know you were a police officer?"

"I still am."

"Yeah. Anyways, it doesn't matter what you are, you could be the damn President of the United States for pete's sake and that still wouldn't mean anything to us. However, if you value your life and any chance at getting out of here unscathed you'd adhere to what I said. It's like Feliciana said, we don't kill those that have done us no harm, but I can't speak for those we'll be meeting in about an hour. They operate differently from us."

From that point onwards, we were silent again until we reached outside where a limousine and four Cadillac Escalades awaited us.

~45 minutes later~

Andrés's POV: 

The whole car ride to my parents estate, Lizanna sat in solemn silence. She sat in between Donatello and Leo as an extra protective measure that restricted her from trying to escape through the door. Well, it's not like she could have gotten far enough anyway considering the fact that my men driving the Cadillac's flanked the limousine on all sides.

In all honesty, she looked miserable. Very miserable. I get it, she was taken from her home, she was subdued by us and  lost everything important to her on her second day on the job at Juggernaut.

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