9: Psych project, Perrie, 2

Start from the beginning


Perrie's POV

I rubbed my eyes, trying to adjust to the dim lights of the surroundings. Where am I? How long had I been asleep? I looked at the clock on the dashboard, then realised that I was in my own car in an unknown carpark. I was about to scream for help, then a note caught my attention.

"Text me when you're awake xx. - Jade."

It was then that everything came flooding back to me. It was my birthday, and dad couldn't make it home. Dad was together with that slut, taking care of her. Maybe they were cuddled up in bed right now, when dad should have been with me. He didn't even wish me a happy birthday..

Tears were starting to accumulate, but I forced them back in, pulling out my phone.


Jeez if you hadn't left that note I'd think you were trying to kidnap me.

My phone buzzed back a few minutes later.


Stay there, I'm coming.

I set my phone back down, and in that vacuum of time, I couldn't help thinking of what happened just now- how Jade comforted me and wanted to celebrate my birthday for me. I wonder what she was doing, and why she was doing all of these?

My thoughts were disturbed by a tap on the window. I opened the door and jumped out.

"Out of your hibernation, I see? You were snoring like a pig." She teased. I punched her arm, and she yelped a little.

We walked out of the carpark, and I immediately recognised this place. It was her apartment.

"Get ready for the best welcome of your life, Edwards." She smiled, repeating my words. It was my turn to roll my eyes- pretty sure she didn't have a dozen servants to do that.

The door creaked open, and true enough, there weren't any servants or red carpets or cocktails. Instead, there were streamers all around, a small banner saying "Happy Birthday", and candles spread all over the dining table. But most importantly, there was a little boy standing at the door.

"Pear!!" He squealed, rushing up to hug my legs. My heart swelled as I crouched down to meet his eyes.

"Hello Nathan!" I ruffled his hair.

"Pear birthday! Happy birthday!" He handed a card, or rather, a piece of paper folded into half to me. On the cover page was a birthday cake with candles, and the words: "Hapy birday".

"That's beautiful, Nathan! Thank you." I was lying, as usual, but this time, it was a heartfelt lie, if that is even possible.

Jade pulled my hand up, and led me to the dining area.

"Hey, I don't know what you like to eat but I just thought I'd do something simple.." She removed the lid from the food on the table, revealing a plate of pasta. Strips of chicken were meticulously arranged around the plate, and a single basil leaf topped the dish. Simple indeed, but it looked really good.

Tears were welling up in my eyes again. Since my mum passed, no one had cooked for me like that. Well, my personal cook did, but he was paid to do so.

She looked at me, expecting some sort of insults to fly out of my mouth. But I was more than grateful. "It's wonderful."


"Nathan, no, do not play with the candles."

"Mama.. Candle pretty."

"Yes they are, but if you play with them you'll get burnt."

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