"I don't feel good, don't leave me" she whined grabbing her shirt tighter.

Lauren's heart melted. 'Don't leave me'.. she realized that more often recently leaving Normani is all she has been doing. She didn't want to admit it but that was her very own way of coping. She grimaced a little remembering Normanis face the day she told her she loved Lucy.

"I'll stay" Lauren responded softly "You should get in bed, i'll sit up with you until you want me to go"

Normani nodded and stood up making her way to the room. Lauren pulled out her phone and sent a quick text to Lucy saying that she wouldn't be back there as quick as she thought. The bad part is Lucy knew that Lauren was supposed to be spending the day with Normani but they were supposed to be out and about instead of laying around. So Lauren knew that most likely Lucy would be skeptical as to what held her up. But it wasn't Lauren's fault that Normani didn't feel well enough to go out and that she needed her here with her now.

"Do you need anything" Lauren questioned standing in the door way looking at the brown girl snuggled into her blanket.

"No" Normani mumbled rolling over.

Lauren sighed and walked over to the bed sitting herself down by her. She timidly placed a hand over her hip that was covered by the grey blanket.

"You have to tell me what's going wrong so I can help" she is whispered squeezing her bestfriends hip.

"I don't know what's wrong" Normani frowned "I've been feeling like this for a while now"

"What did you eat?"


"Are you hungry?"


Lauren huffed and started rubbing over her hip gently, looking down to her. She had her curls sprawled over the pillow gripping it tightly and the blanket up to her neck.

"How exactly do you feel?" The pale girl questioned sounding every bit of concerned.

"Sick" Normani responded.

"Mani" Lauren frowned "How am I supposed to help if you're not telling me anything?"

Normani didn't respond. So lauren sat there as she laid, waiting for her to fall back asleep. After about fifteen her phone buzzed from the dresser. She rolled over facing Lauren and gave her a look telling her it was okay to grab it. The Latina reached for the phone and scoffed at the screen when she saw the name.

"Daddy?" She questioned holding the phone up.

"Oh Quincy.. what does he want?" Normani questioned tiredly.

Lauren looked down at the screen to actually read the text this time "Well, daddy wants to come over" she scoffed.

"Tell him to come"

"What?" Lauren raised her brows, offended "Why?"

"Well.. you won't lay with me"

"No.. no I'll lay with you. You didn't ask" she put the phone the dresser and kicked her shoes off, somewhat eagerly.

"Take your clothes off" Normani murmured looking up at her.

My Baby You'll Be (Laurmani)Where stories live. Discover now