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NOTIFICATION: I've decided to do private reviews. For those who had their reviews here, if you want your reviews sent to you, I will send them to you.

Cover: If the cover caught my attention, if I'd pick up something like it if I saw it in the bookstore, etc.

Synopsis: Like the cover, whether or not this is attention-grabbing enough for me to peek inside, etc.

Introduction: Prologue, or first chapter, whether or not I'd normally continue reading or not, how well it was constructed and so on.

Grammar: All of the errors I catch will go here, alon with awkward sentences. If I don't think you know grammar that well, I'll explain what I can.

Characters: How well they are developed so far, their dialogue, whether or not I like them, how real they feel.

Plot: This isn't so much as plot, but content. No plot can be original, they have all been used more than a hundred times. But content can be original, so I'll be talking about that.

Writing: What I think of your writing style, if it fits with the story

Pace: If you go too fast or too slow

Theme: Was there a point to writing this? Could there be some good themes to work in?

Notes: Comments on something that don't fit anywhere else.


    1:  I will read anything that has to do with literature, but I will NOT READ WORKS THAT ARE ROMANCE-BASED ANYMORE.

    2: Feel free to request a review on more than one of your works.

    3: I may take a while to get to you. Keep in mind it can take far longer to read and review than it takes to make a request.

    4: I am extremely critical about abuse.

    5: If you requested an "X" I will likely try to talk to you and ask some questions to try and understand some more things about your story.

    6: I will either send my "comment" or "review" to you by PM or by email (email not shared here of course).

    7: If you request an "X" you must give me your email. "X"s get big and it's too much to send a bunch of messages in PM.


    I have certain tones with reviews and I really go all out when someone asks me for a review. However, you might not have the same reason I would think you have when asking for a review. Thus, you will pick a letter and a number.

    A: I will focus just on your characters, their development, etc.

    B: I will focus on plot only, how well it was brought in, how the pace for it is, etc.

    C: I will only focus on grammar, punctuation, capitalization, basically just like an editor but not exactly.

    D: This is a very short review, or as short as I can make it. It just gets the major points. Characters, development, pace, grammar, etc. I'll only say positive things about it, if I can find any.

    DD: This is like D, only I will say whatever I need to, positive and negative.

    E: Longer version of the Ds, with more explanations and a bit more focus on the little things.

    X: This is a full-out review from me. I will be caught up on the slightest things. You will know exactly how I, as a reader, am reacting to every single thing in your chapters.


        1: I'll be as nice as I can possibly be. And it kind of takes awhile because I have to try and see how I can phrase it without being offensive and then I have to repeat things again and again to make sure I really get my point across that how it may have come out is not what I meant to say and it should not be taken another way that it can be taken. I might make some smileys or something. I'm not that professional at all and I don't like to pretend I am, I'm just a reader with opinions.

        2: I'll be very toneless. There won't be any smileys and while I won't be BRUTALLY honest, I won't spend so much time on making sure what I'm saying sounds as nice as it can. It's going to be very flat and to be honest, very, very boring unless I come across something interesting/exciting. This will probably come off as more professional if that's what you're looking for.

        3: I'll be me. If you care about your reviewer at all --- ahem, the wonderful me --- you should be aware that reviewing things can be very, very boring. You know, when you have absolutely nothing to do but you know you should do something but you can't possibly do it, and you're so insanely bored that you just need to bug *someone*, like *anyone*? That's how boring it can be. Not because of the story I'm reviewing but because of the review. The more people ask for, the longer it takes. If you pick 3, it will be less boring for me, but I'm going to use a lot of smileys, likely, and a lot of caps, and probably come off as annoying and like I'm mocking you. I'm not, it's my way of trying to make this entertaining for myself. If you pick "1" or "2", though, I understand.

    Pick the letters and numbers depending on what you think you can handle. You might regret it if you don't.

    "A" reviews through "DDs" will be received faster.

    Anyone who does not specify their letter nor number will get a 1 and D.

NOTE: It is VERY important that YOU tell me how far I should read, like how far you believe a reader should go before developing a solid opinion. Some stories need to pick up sooner than others, while others, the slowness is a necessity, so YOU tell me how far. Also mention how long you estimate the work will be if it is a novel/la.


    You HAVE TO READ SOMEONE'S STORY. I will pick the story, stories that do not have many views nor comments, and you will comment on their story by answering these questions:

    Did the story flow well? Did you like the characters (why or why not)? Was there anything that sounded funny? What did you like about the chapter?

        NOTE ON PAYMENT: If you ask for A through DDs, you will only need to read 1 chapter of the story I pick. If you ask for an E, then 2 chapters. If X, you need to read at least 3 chapters.

            If you have more than one request, you either read double or two stories I pick.

            Give me a link.

            And of course, vote if you liked the story!

Format for requests:

Name of Work:

Primary Genre:

Other Genres:



Why You Request a Review:

How Far Should NinjaCow Read:

Novel Estimation Length:

You can add more to it if you want =]

Also, if there is any other "type of review" you can think of that I do not have up there, please tell me!

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