can of worms

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Cassie POV

Nothing like the raft of my mother to make me wish I was back in the school. Of course somehow she found a way to make it seem like i broke in the school and I was doing this for shits and giggles till sheriff came over explained what really happened and the dead janitor body they finally found and rolled out just as my mother was talking to the sheriff now suddenly I'm the poor teenage vitcom she slightly pity me.

As sat up most of the night just laying there replaying everything in my mind. I can still see it, Jackson's pissed off face, Lydia traumatizing face lets not forget my cousin's crushed soul. I wanted to text her or call make sure she was okay when she got home but something said she wasn't, I saw here talking off in the corner to Scott I could see the tears rolling down her face so I knew it wasn't a good talk.

I sighed again hearing no noise through out the house considering everyone was still sleep. Christian and Cole hadn't been informed on what happened yet, by the time we got home they all were off in bed. I kept tossing and turning giving up I hopped out of bed headed toward the small balcony opening the door wrapping the blanket around me I sat in the little chair I kept out there laying my head back I looked up at the moon.

I was leaned back in the chair with my feet up on the railing i began dozing off right before I passed out in the cold I heard the brakes to a car. Opening my eyes I looked over seeing the sheriff pull into his driveway. As he stepped out his car as did Stiles, I felt my heart jump seeing Stiles again. This whole night being beside him made me feel some type of safe, how calm and informative he was tonight it made it harder for me not to have feelings for him. I'm not worried that him nor Scott will tell anyone about me as I won't say anything about Scott.

Finally getting three hours of sleep only to be woken up by Cole saying we have no school for the school is closed for the next two days I wanted to turn over and go back to sleep but he wasn't haven't he asked about five millions questions saying he heard through a text message from his friend about how me and the rest were trapped in the school.

"so what was it?" he asked as I combed my hair

"what was what?" I asked turning to look at him

"that killed the guy" he asked

"a guy with a twisted mind" I said turning back to my mirror

"they said his name is Derek Hale" he said making me whip my head around


"the news it's all over the news, released the man's name as Derek Hale he use to live in the town odd" Cole shrugged as he left my room. I'm glad he didn't ask anymore questions with that said I decided to take a shower get dressed ... well somewhat dressed in yoga pants and burgundy sweatshirt.

As I went downstairs I could har the crying as I hit the last step as I walked to the kitchen my mom with Cameron crying on her hip as she talked into her phone.

"what's wrong? you're still here ?" I asked as I tried to take Cameron from her she quickly pulled away

"Cameron is sick again daycare won't take him so I had to just drop Cayden off" she said in annoyed tone

"mom I'm home I can take care of Cameron" I said reaching out for him again she gave this completely disapproval look which made the fire burning anger that has been sitting in my stomach just erupt. As she turned away from me I slammed my hands down on the counter making her stop.

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