Mom:( pulling us apart) ok now you two should really be an item. You kno how many times I've seen you to "accidentally" kiss like thirteen not even counting the times y'all were by y'all self or with the others

Me: who said they were accidents (still looking at twist )

Twist: shaking my head you too grown

Me: I'm only a year younger than you whatchu mean too grown

Theres a pause then we get close again. I glanced at my mom who was looking at her watch

Mom: you kno what(grabs my arm) it's time for y'all to separate twist after the ceremony she's all yours but I promise if my daughter looses her virginity it's gone be me and you pal

Twist: no promise ( realises she is serious) um yes ma'am

Me:( whispers to self) aye who said I was a virgin

Twist:(heard me) o_o

Mom: what was that

Me:huh nothing

Mom: yeah ok boy what is wrong with you

Prince: we would like to call our graduating class back up her

Me: mom never mind that let's go


Mom: so you gonna cone with me or is twist taking you to go get changed

Me: changed for what

Mom: nothing just go change


It was not even akward. Me and twist were talking and laughing then after we calmed down I saw worry on his face.

Me: twist

Twist: hmm

Me: what's the matter

Twist: hmm just a question burning to be asked

Me: which is

Twist: look in kno this is a lil off topic but at the school you said "who said you were a virgin" well.. Are you

Me: y r u worried

Twist:Leah I'm serious

Me: yes I am gosh

Twist: good( sighs of relief)

Me: why

Twist: (ignoring my question) so who's gonna take it

Me:(whispers really low) you hopefully

Twist: ( :] ) you can't whisper

Me: o-0 you heard me

Twist: yeah

Me: oh :/

Twist: but guess what tho( stops car mid road just to kiss me)

Me: oh wow I thought I was too grown

Twist: I like grown

WE PULL UP TO THE HOUSE. WEwalk in and there is a butt load of bags by the door for the trip

Twist: daum could you pack enough.

Me:nope you wanna meet my puppy

Twist: I much rather meet your kitty

Me: you'll meet her soon enough but you have to meet my puppy first

Twist:( smiling really hard) ok where is it

Me: she. (walks to the bathroom and opensthe door. Patting her leg) come on Chain let's go girl

I walked to twist and he was still smiling. This boy is to crae. I picked up Chain and handed her to twist

Me: twist this Chain my baby besides you and Chain this is twist my baby besides you

Twist: so I'm your baby(petting the gorges puppy) where did you get her name

Me: I found her in a dark alley wraped in tight chains with really bright blue eyes. And of course your my baby you've been my baby even when you were my brother being my baby does mean in a sexy way

Twist: now that's cute for a pittbull and was tour brother

Me: now your my baby in a sexy way but you still my big brother

Twist: :() ok




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