First Dance

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Seth decided that he'd had enough surprises to last him a lifetime.

His heart was still hammering in his chest as he watched Samuel grin and croon on the balcony, establishing himself back in the Depths as their supreme leader. The blackout of the lights had been stupid and unnecessary. A touch of drama that Samuel couldn't part with – and one that might have ignited a fatal fight if the residents thought they were being attacked. It didn't matter that Samuel had already been captured by Alex back on the lake in the Azure. He would never acknowledge the deal he'd made with them to save himself – not if it showed a hint of weakness on his part.

A myriad of glowing purple lights swept around the room, a spotlight settling on Samuel's tall figure. He waved to the cheering Dwellers, a scarlet cloak draped around his shoulders.

'Thank you,' he called, nodding graciously. 'Thank you for such a warm welcome back. This can only be a good omen of things to come; of our new alliance with the Azure.'

Seth watched Samuel's eyes settle on Flynn, and the ghost of a smirk appeared on Samuel's lips. Seth couldn't help but notice Megan stiffen. He was becoming hyper-aware of her movements, of the tiny changes in her stance, her smile.

Samuel reached for a glass behind him, and thrust it high into the air.

'To us!' he yelled. 'To our union! To tonight!'

The Ash Hall erupted into a frenzy of cheers, and Samuel drained his glass. A horde of Inflamers moved towards him, and he gestured for them to join him at his private table.

The music swelled up again, a lazy, soaring melody. The Dwellers returned to their dancing and drinking, but Megan was still staring up at the balcony, a scowl twisting her features. Seth couldn't help but watch her for a moment. There was something so entrancing about that face, in the shrewd judgement flashing behind her eyes. He took a breath, and hardened his resolve. He reached for her small palm, and led her to the dancefloor.

Megan blinked, and Seth fought the flush rising in his cheeks at the soft feel of her skin. Scrambling for something, anything to say, he nodded up at the balcony and muttered, 'Show-off.'

Megan hadn't pulled her hand away. A thrill of satisfaction riveted through him as she spoke. 'I used to think that Patrick owned this title. But he's literally the most dramatic person I've ever met.'

Seth's lips quirked. 'And that's saying something.'

Her eyes slipped to his, and his heart nearly skittered right out from beneath his ribs. Those eyes – the colour of dark coffee, vulnerable and unyielding all at once. He wanted to bring his face to hers, feel those long eyelashes brush against his cheek. The music swirled around them, and he mustered up enough courage to gently reach out towards her. His hand rested gently on the curve of her waist. Seth's stomach was in knots as he realized he was holding her – really holding her, one hand in hers, the other touching the silky material of her dress. Her skin radiated warmth through the fabric.

He began to sway them to the music, completely out of time with the frantic beat thudding throughout the Depths. Not one part of him cared; he had Megan front of him, and it was impossible to focus on anything else.

'We look ridiculous,' Megan finally said, glancing at the writhing bodies around them.

Seth hadn't taken his eyes off her. 'What do you mean?'

'This is like... how you slow-dance at prom.'

'Maybe I didn't get to slow-dance at prom.'

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