
She seems to not like ayahanda that much...

Eh? What am I saying? I think I'm just too overthinking it~

What she didn't notice was Komodo nudging her. Rubbing her scaly skin on her owner's legs, she tried to get Majapahit's attention.

"Huh? What do you want Komodo? Are you hungry again?" She asked.

The komodo dragon didn't reply as it can't speak her language. Just looking at her with those black orbs. Sometimes its tounge would stick out.

"I wish I could understand you Komodo... It would much more easier to know what you want..." she sighed.

Without any warning, Komodo quickly went to the direction of the forest.

"EH?! Komodo? Where are you going?! That part of the forest is dangerous!" Majapahit exclaimed.

The komodo dragon looked back at its owner, and looked at the forest. It looked like it wanted Majapahit to follow it.

"Ayahanda told me this part is dangerous Komodo! Please don't go!" She tried to coax her pet to come back to the hut.

With what would seem like a deadpanned face, Komodo went deeper and deeper into the forest. Sometimes looking back at its owner, wanting her to follow.

"B-but..." She was torn, wanting to follow her pet that seemed to have something in kind or following the orders of her father and stay safe.

The komodo dragon didn't want to wait longer and left its owner, it walked deeper.

"Oooooh! I'm gonna get in trouble like this!" She exclaimed before following her pet.

------ a few minutes walking in the forest------

"Komodo where are you going? We're lost in the forest now!" Majapahit panicked.

She should have never followed her pet. This is going to be a disaster, her father would be furious when she comes back. Or if she ever came back.

"Komodo let's go back to the palace!" She cried out.

It fully ignored its owner and went deeper.

Majapahit was panicking more and more every minute.

Walking for a few more minutes, the sight before her was REALLY unexpected.

In front of her was a little girl, all curled up in a ball and was shaking from head to toe.

What's a small girl like her doing here? In the heart of the forest? Is she.... lost?

Without noticing her own movements, Majapahit was already walking to the crying girl, wanting to help her.


The girl was shocked when she heard a voice and quickly attempted to run away. Unfortunately, she failed doing so due to her injured state.

She tried to back away from Majapahit as much as possible.

Majapahit was so shocked to see some bruises and scars on her skin. The girl looked terrified.

"...A-are you okay?"

She didn't reply.

She had an idea and looked around to find some herbs. Plucking some of the herbs, she walked closer to the injured girl, walking slowly, not wanting to frighten her more.

Majapahit went closer and closer, whispering nice words and coaxing the girl to stay calm.

When she was close enough, she used her hands to mash the herbal leaves together and made a quick medicine to treat the girl's wounds.

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