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Teddy had been distant ever since the fateful night of the sorting he had lost all sense of purpose and identity, his hair had turned black and his eyes were Lined with dark circles and he always looked sad.

People were starting to worry, especially victoire. She watched him become more introverted and quiet, which was very uncharacteristic, by the day.

It was months until she decided enough was enough and she went to talk to him.

Teddy was sat on a wall just tucked in between the kitchens  and the hufflepuff common room. He had found it in his first year when he had climbed out of the window for a dare.

Victoire came round the corner. She had that slight smile of pity and love. She came slowly closer until she stood knee to knee with teddy.
"Hey babe how are you?" She smiled. Teddy just looked away. She grabbed his face and turned it round to face her.
"Teddy Remus lupin!" She quietly yelled. "What is wrong with you?!?!" Teddy just looked at victories deep blue eyes. They looked like deep oceans or sparkling sapphires. He loved her from the bottom of his heart, more than he could explain in any human way possible. He had to tell his victoire how he felt because he saw how it was breaking her.

Teddy broke down in floods of tears and just buried his head in her shoulder. He tried to speak but victoire only made him quiet again.

They stayed here for what felt like forever until teddy spoke. He said: "I love you victoire."

And he knew who he was.

Honorary potter: Teddy lupin Where stories live. Discover now