The Hogwarts express and beyond

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They were now sitting in a empty compartment on the ruby coloured train, the countryside whizzing who past. Field with cows fields with Sheep, fields with crops so basically a lot of fields.

It was now 12:15 and teddy and Victoire were just chatting when Teddy's friend Nathan had swung by their carriage to see him.

"Hey up Edward." Nathan started.
"Don't call me that," Teddy winced
"I think it's cute." Smiled victoire
"Well your not my annoying best friend"
"Hey!" Nathan shouted offended.
Teddy shrugged. Nathan sat next to teddy and wrapped his arm around him and smiled annoyingly.

This was going to be a long journey

Soon they had arrived at Hogwarts and teddy was dressed in his Hufflepuff robes and his prefect badge was pinned to his chest.

He still wasn't sure how he had become a prefect. He wasn't exactly a role model student with his blue hair and cheeky attitude but apparently he was 'the right person for the job' he was watching the tiny first years get sorted, reminiscing of his first year.

He hadn't really been bothered by which house he was placed in as his family was from a variety, but all he had wanted was to make friends.

Teddy found it really hard to make friends so he was very worried about that particular detail.

Luckily he now had a variety of friends from a variety of houses because blue hair was very easily spotted in a crowd making him very hard to forget.

But in the rush of school life had he forgotten himself? Did he know who HE was? He thought deeply about this for the rest of the sorting ceremony and he was so into it that he didn't hear mgonagal allow for the feast to commence. It was not until Nathan vigorously shook his shoulder did he wake up from the depths of his mind, still questioning the world itself.

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