Future Plot

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So as I said (if you actually took the time to read my messages), I'm not planning on finishing this version the The Pit Just Happened anymore and am working on the rewrite. However I won't be leaving you all completely hanging so I'll give you all the plot I was planning on doing.

Salina and Dayton upgrade. Christmas oneshot happens. Move to the D.C. base where their cousin is now a soldier for NEST. WEDDING AND BONDING (no exact details were made yet.) A year passes and DOTM starts. The Autobots are forced to leave. They all hide in the shuttle. Shuttle gets blown up and thy crash into the ocean. Lily and her trine panics at being underwater due to claustrophobia. Reaching the surface, the four turn into humans where they make their way to Chicago. They stay behind with their adopted brothers while everyone else proceeds into the city.

They're discovered by a patrol and taken captive. They're brought to Sentinel who has the restrained. He can use the femmes to start a new generation from scratch. Once they're old enough to bare sparklings of course (evil fragger...). Sunny and Sides are furious and nearly get themselves killed trying to save them but are forced to back down or risk getting the four hurt.

Space bridge is activated. With the Decepticons celebrating Lily warps to the control pillar, grabs it and warps away, damaging her warp drive due to backlash of energy. She quickly gives it to Optimus who destroys it.

A fight breaks out between Optimus, Sentinel, and Megatron. Optimus and Megatron gang up on Sentinel and kill him. The last two leaders come to an understanding and strike a peace treaty, ending the war. At Megatron's orders, all Decepticons stood down. However those that went against his orders died painfully.

Thundercracker and Skywarp live so they teach Lily's trine the ways of the Seeker.

They helped to rebuild Chicago, but not without the public hating on them.

100 years pass and more Cybertronians come to Earth. The Cybertronians share their tech with humans allowing their tech to advance. They now live on the moon. There is still a strenuous peace between the factions though.

It is to be broken though.

Spies of Unicron, yes Unicron, are sent to infiltrate and learn of their secrets and habits. Another 100 years pass and they begin their plan after gathering their data. They spread discord among those who still consider the factions to exist causing fights to break out and the factions to form once again over the course of a few years no matter what the leaders try to do.

Soon enough the war is back on with the spies on the split between factions to cause more chaos. Though Megatron fights with the Autobots now, Sidesways becoming the new Decepticon leader.

Now enters Unicron, consuming Saturn until only rocky debris is left, gassy clouds scattering behind him as he moved ever closer to Earth.

The people of Earth, as well as several other aliens humans have befriended are in a panic, having just now discovered Unicron, having been distracted by their Cybertronian friend's war. They warn the Autobots who then focus their attention on stopping Unicron rather than the Decepticons which Sidesways does not like. He doubles the strength of his attacks, forcing their attention away from Unicron.

However a recon team has already been sent to intercept Unicron and determine his weaknesses.

The recon team would be our favorite trine along with Soundwave and his symbiotes. However they were not expecting to encounter some of Unicron's minions to be staying with him and are forced back. After a few more failed attempts to get close they are forced to return back to the moon, now pockmarked with craters from bombs rather than space debris.

Passing Mar's soon later, the Autobots gather together with some of the Decepticons and form a plan of attack. Coming up with a plan they all head out, not leaving anyone behind for all will be useful in the oncoming fight.

Reaching Unicron, they engage with Unicron's servants. After a long and hard fought battle, and losing a good portion of their numbers, they succeed in killing all the minions (no, not the small yellow ones).

Unicron then transforms and the remaining Bots and Cons start to lose hope at the size of him. Optimus rallies everyone together, reminding them of the plan. They all begin to move out away from the Milky Way towards the nearest black hole.

Eventually they get there, but not without some more skirmishes as Unicron creates more of his servants. When there, everyone breaks away from their formation to attack Unicron's servants while Unicron himself chased a heavily damaged Optimus.

Seeing Optimus close to death, Knightspear rushes to his Prime's side, jumping from mech to mech, ship to ship, until he was able to snag Optimus away from Unicron's closing servo. Too weak to go on, Optimus gives the matrix to Knightspear. Knightspear nods his understanding, knowing that it wasn't the Prime that the Chaos Bringer, but rather the matrix itself, a piece of Primus' very spark.

Knightspear floats away from the Prime and lands on the nearest meteoroid and jumps off it to the next one, drawing closer and closer to the black hole with each jump. He managed to stay ahead of Unicron until he was at the edge of the pull. Unicron reached towards him and just as he is about to grab Knightspear, he hops away to the next meteoroid further in. He continues to do so until Unicron is being pulled in as well.

Lily, unaware of what her brother was planning, fought hard with her trine. It wasn't until he sent his apology and love over the bond did she realize what was happening. She tries to get to him, but with the damaged warp drive (something that was unable to be fixed after warping with the control pillar), she is unable to enter the pull of the black hole without being caught as well. Dayton and Salina are forced to hold her back to keep her from chasing after him.

Knightspear keeps the bond open until the very end. Pain consumes the trine as the bond with their brother is destroyed.

Because of Knightspear's sacrifice, Unicron was pulled into the black hole, destroying the Destroyer.

The war quickly dissipated now that Unicron was no longer keeping it going, his minions scattering to the winds.

And here I was planning on ending the first book. Yes, you read right, the first book. In the second one I was planning on following Knightspear and his adventures as he navigates a new dimension. Ours. I haven't put a whole of of thought into it because I wanted to finish the first one first. How I was planning oh him surviving though was because of the matrix and the fact that it was a friggin piece of his spark. So yeah. Magical spark powers kept him alive through something that should have killed him, but only because he was willing to sacrifice everything to stop a menace. It was like a last gift that Primus could give. The same would have happened with Optimus. However if it was a mech or femme who had nothing to lose, they would have died as well.

But fear not. there is still a little power left in the matrix. Maybe not enough to send him home, but enough to make him a Prime. Yes, a Prime. He IS the only Cybertronian there so it stands to reason he would be the Prime.

And that's really all I had planned out.

Also I was expecting this to take longer to write because its been so long since I've even thought about this plot, but surprisingly enough it didn't. And now I'm tempted to write some angst with Knightspear "dying."


I think I'm gonna go do that right now while it's fresh XD Also it would be a great way to end the story, right?

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