Chapter 11

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"Are we there yet?"





"How 'bout now?"

"Primus! For the last time femme! No, we are not there yet!" Ironhide shouted at me in frustration. (We were on the plane to the new base in Diego Garcia and I asked like, every five minutes.)

"I was just askin'. Sheesh." I pouted as I slouched over to where Sideswipe's holoform was playing with Salem.

"Sideswipe!" I picked up Salem so I wouldn't accidentally hurt him before falling onto my back, into his lap. "I'm booorredd!" I complained as I put Salem onto my chest and let him crawl around.

"Well, why are you bored?" he asked as he continued to play with Salem.

"Because there is nothing to do."

Sideswipe stopped playing and lightly rested an elbow on my stomach, he rested his chin on said arm. He was quite for a few seconds before he grinned and started attacking me. He grabs my sides right under my rib cage and starts tickling the only place I'm actually ticklish. I burst out laughing and feebly tried to bat the offending hands away. All the while trying to stay still so I wouldn't accidentally hurt Salem or knock him off of where he was laying on my chest.

It wasn't working out to well... Will actually had to come over and take him from me.

"Stopit! Stop... hit...!" I wheezed out as I laughed. I curled up and held my sides to try and make him stop. But to no avail. He continued his assault till I was literally crying from laughing so hard.

After a few minutes, he stopped, allowing me to catch my breath. I panted and giggled a little even after he stopped.

"There. Are you bored anymore?" He asked.

I looked up at him and grinned while wiping the rest of my tears of merth away. I nodded and stifled a yawn, but failed.

Sideswipe smiled warmly down at me, "Get some recharge, Little Flower. I'll wake you when we get there."

I smiled up at him and curled myself into a loose ball right there on his lap. I yawned one last time before shifting a little to get more comfortable and then drifted off to sleep.


I woke up sometime later to find myself no longer in the plane, but in a semi-dark room. (The Twins learned to leave a small light on for me since I tend to get up in the middle of the night sometimes.) I yawned and stretched. I looked around to find myself on Sideswipe's warm chest plates and one of his hands over me as sort of a living blanket. I smiled and lied back down. Closing my eyes, I started drifting off again when a stray thought hit me like a brick wall.

Where was Salem?

I sat up quickly and looked around with worry. I looked to Sideswipe's head to wake him up but stopped and grinned at what I saw.

Right there on his left shuttered optic, was Salem. Curled up without a care in the world as to where he was sleeping.

I wiggled out from Sideswipe's hand and carefully made my way to Salem. But to get to him, I had to crawl to Sideswipe's shoulder and climb down so I was now standing on the berth next to his head (I could have climbed onto his face, but I didn't want to be rude and accidentally wake him up). From there, I had to stretch as far as I could so I could grab Salem. It took a little work, but after a few failed attempts, I found him and carefully brought him down. I put his small purring frame in the crook of my arm before curling myself up next to Sideswipe's warm neck cables. I drifted off once again to the sound of Salem purring quietly with content.

The Pit Just Happened? (UNDER HEAVY REWRITE!!!)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon