The Next Day

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                                         Niall P.O.V

I woke up the next day with a terrible headache. The last thing I remember is Harry crying them me blacking out.

My face feels weird, oh man what are these bruises on my arm? I remember now I got attacked by fans yesterday. I probably look horrible, let me go look in the mirror.

I look terrible, I have a black eye, my lip is busted and split. Dark purple patches are appearing on my cheeks, with a faint grey, black colour. I'm gonna need a whole load of concealer to cover this up until it heals.

What about the concert yesterday? They must've cancelled it.

Liam is going to be really mad at me, he hates disappointing the fans. I seem to disappoint them so they can relate.

"Niall are you okay? it's me Harry."

Snap, it's Harry I don't want him to see me like this.

"I'm fine Harry."

"I want to see you to make sure you're okay, so be prepared I'm coming in."

If I didn't love this boy so much I probably would've objected and insist he does something else.

"Oh Niall."

"It's okay Harry." he feels that it's his fault I can tell. I feel that a lot.

"No it's not okay, I should've been looking out for you and making sure you were okay. I'm so sorry Niall."

"What are you sorry for? You didn't attack me, plus I'm fine now anyways."

"You're not fine Niall, you always lock yourself in your room, no one knows what's going on with you and now this. You need help Niall, I don't know what's going on but I can see your cry for help. Just let me help yo Niall. I want to help you. Just let me in!"

"Harry I don't want to ruin your life, just because you want to help me with mine. You have so much to live for. Continue with your life, yes I need help and I'm glad at least one of you boys noticed but I don't want to bring you guys down. The fans love you guys and it's just my luck that they don't like me. When I need your help I'll ask for it but for now let me figure it out for myself. Please Harry."

I don't want Harry to have to deal with my problems, even though I secretly want his help.

"Fine. But as soon as I see you struggling I'm helping you whether you like it or not. Okay."


"Now come on and let's get you cleaned up, then I will make you some bacon and a strawberry milk shake since you like random stuff."

"That's nice Harry, but you don't have to go to all that trouble just for me."

"I want to Niall and anything you say won't make me change my mind, now let's get you cleaned up."

We went to the bathroom, where Harry proceeded to wipe my face with wet tissue to get rid of the dried blood. I have to admit I liked the feel of his hands on my face. They weren't rough, they were soft and caring, he was handling me gently and taking great care when he touched the bruises, knowing it hurt.

I've never seen Harry like this before, I never knew he could be so caring, but hey you learn new things every day. I need to thank him for what he's doing, I feel loved for once.

"Thank you Harry, for everything and for your offer to help me. I really appreciate it, I can't thank you enough. You're so caring and gentle."

"Only the best for you Niall, now keep still so I can apply the concealer carefully, it's waterproof so don't worry too much about it washing off.

He started to apply the concealer along my cheekbones and all over my cheeks. For a guy he sure knows how to apply makeup very well.

"Are you okay Niall? You've been staring at me for a long time and I wasn't sure of you'd zoned out or what." This comment was followed by a slight chuckle.

I then laughed awkwardly and said " Oh I was just thinking very deeply, and must've zoned out. sorry." I felt the blush creeping up to my cheeks.

"Don't be sorry Niall, we all do it, after all we are human.

Yeah we are all human, but some of us are better than others.

"You know Niall, you are perfect just the way you are. Don't change who you are.

"Thanks Harry, but I'm not perfect. I don't think I want to be perfect.

"I don't think I would want to be perfect either, I mean no one's perfect, but people are special in their own way."

The beauty of being human.

"I'm hungry." I say this without thinking, but I was really hungry.

"Let me make you some bacon, as I've finished putting on the concealer now.

"You know how to make a man happy, Harry."

"Hahaha." Even his chuckle makes my stomach flip.

We walk into the living room and are met by the rest of the boys, casually watching tv. They probably don't care about me.

"Hey guys." I say trying to make conversation

"We have to leave for soundcheck in an hour, don't be late."

Liam says this very harsh and coldly, he's probably mad at me for ruining the concert yesterday.

"Hi Niall. Are you okay?"

Louis is a lot softer with his words, and genuinely sounds like he cares.

" I'm fine thanks, for asking Louis." Zayn doesn't look bothered, he's most likely on Liam's side.

"Well the fans aren't fine, since we had to cancel the concert because of you." I haven't seen this side of Liam before. He's usually the nice one.

"Don't take it out on Niall, Liam the fans attacked him out of nowhere. Did you see his bruises? Did you see how badly he was hurt?"

Harry was sticking up for me. Wow.

"To be honest Harry I really don't care, Niall should have been more of a man."

"So you don't care about Niall? If you haven't noticed Liam, but Niall is a part of One Direction and we stick together. We wouldn't be where we are if one of us wasn't here."

"We could be working better without one of us, cough Niall cough."

That was just cold, I could see Zayn giving me dirty looks. When the realisation of Liams words sunk in I ran out of the room crying, and into the bathroom. Where my best friends were.

Hello razor. Someone help me.

                                                  Liam P.O.V

I'm really mad at Niall for ruining yesterday. But after I saw him run away that's when I realised what I had said, and suddenly felt really bad.


                                              Zayn P.O.V

I was angry at Niall too but I was mainly following Liam.

                                              Louis P.O.V

I felt really bad for Niall. I mean he got attacked and now Liam is shouting down his throat. Niall is the last person on this earth that deserves that kind of treatment.

                                               Harry P.O.V

Liam won't get away with what he said to Niall.



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