Sorry guys

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Hello, it's me. I bring bad news. I'll actually be discontinuing this story as I haven't updated in ages mainly because I lack inspiration for this story and lost interest in it, and I'm not even a 1D fan anymore. After looking back on what I'd written in this story I realised how shitty and stereotypical it was. Now that I'm older and my writing skills have developed I might start another fanfic, but it won't be 1D. I know some people enjoyed this story but I don't see myself ever continuing this story, so I might as well just end it here.

Although, I do have a saved draft of a few paragraphs for the next chapter I was writing for this fanfic.

Niall's P.O.V

Last night was a complete disaster, It was mine and Harry's first date and it gets ruined by the wrong movie in the dvd player. Harry probably thinks I'm disgusting now and I don't blame him. Even I'm disgusted with myself.

Harry and i need to have a serious conversation, and sort this out properly. I don't want things to be awkward between us, especially after the conversation we had two nights ago.

I'm just scared of not being wanted.

Harry is my everything, he's the chicken to my leg, the C to my KF, the wifi to my tumblr. You get the point?

I guess what I'm trying to say is that Harry makes me feel loved.

And this is the end guys, I'm zayning, goodbye.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2016 ⏰

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