She nodded

Me - well wait I said shrugging

Liyah - fuck you Travis she said and started to mumbled under her breathe , cursing me out .

Me - say it louder I said and continued to drive .

Me - what do you want to eat ? I asked as calmly as possible

Liyah - some McDonald's please she mumbled and I just nodded .

I got her and Layla some McDonald's . She tried to pay but I just acted like I didn't see her hand .

Like I said what's mines , hers .

My phone ranged and Maria was letting me know James and Devan was waiting for me at the house .

When I pulled up to my gate  I parked before I helped the girls out the car .

Layla - can I bring my toy ? She asked and I nodded . She grabbed it and I shut the door .

When we entered the house Devan and James looked at Layla and Liyah .

Devan eyed me
Me - don't start I said shutting him down before he even started

I'm honestly not in the mood

James - what's up ?

Me - hey I said and watched as Liyah grabbed Layla hand and led her upstairs .

Me - I'll be up soon baby girl

Liyah - yea yea .

I sighed and walked into the kitchen as me , Devan and James talked .

Devan - how did the meeting go ? He asked referring to the one from the other day as he opened my refrigerator .

Me - good I said plainly

James - were all going to be at Harvard together he boasted and I nodded , not wanting to get into that topic .

I don't want to leave and go to Harvard away from Liyah .

I haven't even told her about Harvard yet .

Devan - who drink ? He asked eyeing the Arizona

Me - Liyah's I told him and he nodded .

He stared at the drink a little longer before slowly putting it back and closing the fridge door .

|| Liyah ||

Me and Layla sat upstairs eatting in Travis room .

I honestly don't want to be in his room eatting , I would rather be in the kitchen but I'm not finna be around his friends .

Devan or James making a racist comment around my sister will get their ass beat quick .

* 1 hr and a half later *

Travis been downstairs with his friends while me and Liyah been up here .

He came up and checked up on us earlier .

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