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Authors POV

Patty, Danny, Kilorn, and Jerome have been best friends since middle school. Later on when they reach the ninth grade they decide to make a pact to have a relationship together but nothing more so if one starts having feeling for another the whole thing is broken.

Ninth grade: bathroom

"Come on Kilorn stop being such a woos, just try it out". Patty says. "Okay fine but I'll only try but that is it. If i like it than maybe ill consider the deal". Kilorn says. "Yesss"!!! Patty says.

They looked into each other's eyes and saw nothing but utter lust in them. Kilorn licked his lips dying to just attach them to hers.

They slowly inch closer together not knowing which one should make the first move.

There lips are brushing against each other and can hear each others ragid breathing when suddenly someone opens the bathroom door.

They freeze thinking its a teacher but are soon relieved when its just danny. "What took you so long danny we were about to start without you", patty says. "Sorry i had to make sure the coast was clear and than a teacher came and started talking to me for like forever", danny says.

She shrugged it off and danny starts to take off his shirt while patty and kilorn observe impatiently.

Patty's facial expression has soon changed from lust to disgusted but after a few seconds she finally speaks up.

"I thought you said you had abs danny, you fuckn' lied seriously i was super excited for that...ughh whatever let's just get on with this and fast before our free period is up and have to get back to class", she says irritated.

Patty and Kilorn attack each others mouths quickly with their tongues and hands roaming all over each others body. Danny just watches confused at what he has to do so he just sits down on the floor and plays with his worn out filas shoe laces.

Patty gets down on her knees once she needs a breath of air and starts to unbuckle Kilorn's pants. She reaches down his trousers and pulls out his microscopic size dick whuxh she is surprised at because it was a lot bigger than what she thought he had even though its still really small. She just thought he had a vagina.

She proceeded to stroke it but had to put a lot of effort into it because of the size.

Kilorn groans and tilts his head back in pleasure," come on just take it in your mouth already please you're killing me here", he says.

She smirks but than stops leaving kilorn confused and wanting more.

She saw how uncomfortable danny was so she decided to go up to hin and ask whats wrong.

Ahe asked him whata wrong but he just sat there stuttering like it depended on his life.

"I,I just... I,I,I... Dont know, really what to do" he says quickly. "It's okay we'll show you", she says.

They finally teach/show him what to do and he actually was an expert at it.

Once they were done they proceeded to class like nothing had happened and went back to how they usually would.

From there on out their sexual relationship was developed and still nobody knew until one day the next year jerome(new kid) finds out. He says he wont tell anyone only if he could join them.

Hey brianna here sorry for the boring chpt.the next chpts. will have smut in them if you would like just comment and tell me your suggestions. I'll update every other day/everyday. This part was just telling how it all started one day. So comment  and dont forget to vote.😄👍

Daddy IssuesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora