Chapter 2- Runaway, or so I thought.

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-Sydney POV-

It seemed like I was walking forever. I checked my phone for the time. "6:30am" I huffed. Talk about a long night.

I couldn't help thinking about what happened. What was that thing? Why did it choose us to terrorize out of all people in the world? I don't know what to do, how to stop it, or how to get Matthew back. I have to figure this out though, my brother can't be gone for good. I just hoped he is still alive when I figure it out.

I noticed I was somewhere in the middle of Florida by now. I ran some of the way every time a breeze came through. I have only been walking for 5 and half hours now. I didn't think I was that far from home. I haven't really noticed where I was going. I just kept running, just like Matt said to do.

I kept walking when a cool breeze blew past me and gave me the chills once again. 'Please not again. Not now!' I thought. Panic started to come over me as I started to talk off again. I went into the middle of the some back road, knowing I could easily run again without a ton of obstacles.

As I rounded a sharp corner in the road, brights on some headlights came at me and I dove towards the side of the road just in time. The car stopped abruptly stopped just passed me, as I was getting up and dusting myself off. The car then threw itself into reverse, and started back towards me.

"What the hell?" confusion and panic rang through. I was frozen into place watching, knowing my night couldn't get any worst. The car rolled its windows down to reveal a boy about my age driving.

"What the fuck was that? Are you stupid?" He hissed with annoyance.

I didn't reply, I was froze with fear. I just stood looking at him. From the little light the sun peaked out from the sunset and I noticed his raven black hair, and piercing blue eyes. It was memorizing to look at.

"Why are you in the middle of the road? Didn't you fucking see my headlights?" He huffed.

"I- uh- I'm sorry. I have been walking, and running all night. I guess I'm just tired. I have had a long night," I managed to squeak out terrified with tears in my eyes. I remembered why I was running in the first place. I needed to snap out of it.

"I have to keep walking. Again I'm sorry, but I need to go!" I started walking again, but only got a few steps in when I hear him honk his horn.

Jumping I froze again. 'What the hell?' I thought to myself slowly turning around.

He got out of his car, which now examining which was a nice sports car. "Well, it looks like you need a ride to somewhere... " He replied with a worried tone. I don't know him, or what he's capable of. I couldn't get in the car with some stranger, but his presence seemed so calming for people around him.

"I think I might just want to walk. I don't know you, and you can be some killer for all I know." I laughed with some sort of panic.

"Uhhhh- uh" he breathed out clearly nervous. "Look, you seem very shaken up about something, and tired. I promise I am not trying to kill you or anything. I'm having to take care of something myself, and I need to get to Tampa," He said sheepishly.

"Wait, Tampa?" confusion rang through "I was just coming from there. It's probably best if you do not go there. It's not exactly safe right now." I said with some panic and worry for him.

If I couldn't save Matt in this moment, I could definitely save someone else from becoming a target to that thing.

"Uh- wait, are you Sydney? Sydney Ross?" He questioned.

I widen my eyes in pure shock. How the hell did he know my name?

"Ye-Ye-Yeah..." I said starting to back up getting ready to take off again.

"No!" He proclaimed "I'm not here to hurt you! I know what's going on, and your father called my family to come get you and your brother," He explained running towards me.

My father? How does know my father? My father died, how could my father sent him when he didn't know what was going to happen. Now I am even more confused as ever.

"My father? How do you know my father? Why did he sent you? Do you know what actually happened?" I spewed with confusion and sadness. Tears started rolling down my eyes, remembering everything.

"It happened already didn't it?" He asked reaching out for me with his arms.

I didn't say anything, I just buried my face in my hands, and started sobbing.

He pulled me into a bear hug, trying to calm me down. It was nice, I never had a lot of human interaction with other people other than my family. We were tagged weird and abnormal because my parents were never involved with anything we did, and seemed locked up in their office all the time. They loved us though and managed to give us all the love and attention we wanted.

After sometime my sobbing subsided, and he wiped my tears away, and sadly smiled. I didn't realize how handsome he was, but it was not the point. I needed to find a way to save Matt, and he seems like he knows more about what I am dealing with than me.

"Look," he said "We need to go back to your house before the cops get there and gather evidence of what was left, and take pictures for my Uncle to examine. I can explained more on the way, but we need to go now," He rushed.

"Um- okay. I have no choice but to trust you I guess?" I questioned softly.

"Not really. I can tell this was not something ordinary, and Sydney you need to know the truth. If you want answers hop in," he stammered.

"I need answers. My brother's life depends on it," I instructed getting into the car.

He turned the car around and we started back to where I just ran from. I take my bag and I pull out a picture of Matt. Staring at it for a while. I started to tear up but then I remembered why I'm going back to where it happened. It's for Matt, I need these answers. I can tell this thing is something powerful, and I need to stop it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2023 ⏰

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