Chapter 1

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~Ashley's P.O.V.~

The names Ashley but you can call me Ash. I've got blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm 16 years of age. I'm 5 foot 2. I'm average weight and I'm sort of a mix between a tomboy and a girly girl. I like to wear shorts, tank tops leather jackets and converses but i also like to wear dresses and high heels. I mostly wear shorts, tank tops leather jackets like right now. I'm wearing black leather high waisted shorts and a white tank top with silver studs and says "J'Adore Paris" and my black converses.

I have 2 sisters and a brother. My older sister is 17 and she is 5 foot 6 and really skinny. I'm really jealous of her and how skinny she is! She has blonde hair, like me, and she has hazel eyes which is a mix between our parents eyes. Her name is Tayler and she is a complete girly girl; And I mean dresses, high heels, make up, hair HAS to be perfect all the time! 

My younger sister, Olyviah, is the complete opposite. She is a massive tomboy; She rarely wears make up and dresses and high heels, only if she has to. Olyviah is 12 and has light brown hair, like our mum and green eyes, like dad. She is taller than me but not by much she is 5 foot 3 and average weight.

My Younger brother, Josh, is 8 years old and tiny for his age at 4 foot 3, but that just makes him even cuter. He has blonde hair and green eyes. Josh is also super skinny, and obsessed with video games; And when I say obsessed I mean he stays up as late as he can playing them and gets up at like 6am just to play them. I think that if he could he would play video games 24/7.

My mum has light brown hair, green eyes and is 5 foot 6. My mum is really skinny as well. My mum works as a hairdresser, which is really cool because she can do really cool hair styles on our hair and she shows us photos of all the different colours and styles she can do.

My dad has blonde hair and blue eyes and is average weight, EXACTLY like me. he is 5 foot 8 and I miss him so much. I really treasure the time I do get to spend with him. My dad is in the war so he never is around much and i never know if he is going to come back. Every night I always think of him and I can't even imagine him never coming back home. But I should think positive, right?

Well anyway... I REALLY love to sing and dance. Oh and I forgot to mention that I live in Melbourne in Australia. The weather is always up and down; one day it could be raining and the next day could be beach weather, but that's Melbourne for you. 

I go to a public school and have best 4 friends anyone could ask for. I'll tell you a bit bout them...
Allyson has dark brown hair with dyed blonde ends, she has hazel eyes. She is shorter than me at 5 foot 1 and is average weight. Like me she also loves to sing, sometimes in music we sing together. She is 16 years old. She likes to wear high waisted shorts, any colour, with a brightly coloured t-shirt and a cardigan.
Sierra has blonde hair with dyed blue ends and green eyes. She is taller than me at 5 foot 8 and is skinny. Her favourite class is drama as she really likes to act and her dream is to become an actress. I really hope she makes it. She is 15 years old and likes to wear black skirts with brightly coloured loose tops.
Imogen has brown hair, which is beautiful and so silky, with brown eyes. She is also taller than me at 5 foot 5. Even though she is really skinny she doesn't really like her body and she is really insecure; So she mainly dresses in her Bring Me The Horizon hoodie with skinny jeans, any colour. She really likes to dance and she is an amazing dancer, I always love to watch her dance like she likes to listen to me sing. She is 15 also.
Romeo is the only boy in our group but he is my best friend out of them all. He is a red head and has emerald green eyes. It's a really weird combination but it just looks so good on him. We have been friends since we were 3 and he has always been there through everything. I love him so much as a friend for it. He is pretty tall at 5 foot 9 and he is average weight. He is on the basketball team at school and he is fantastic at basketball. He is also 16 like me.

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