First Crushes

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Go look at Laura Bowers book, 'Just Flirt'. Her Superflirts Nine rules of Flirting is amaze-balls.

-First Crushes-

The only closest thing I had to a boyfriend is my lost napkin that I called, Lulu.

But I did 'go out' once. Well, not really go out. So me and my oola bees went to the mall and waited for him to come. I was basically panicking and hyperventilating. My friend, Hannah, had to do some breathing excercises with me infront of Mac's. My eyes were already tearing up a little. Yep, I was that nervous to meet a boy. It wasn't even a date! So, Hannah had to pull me towards the place where I had to meet him.

My oola bees were telling me to calm down and stuff when I felt a bad presence, I mean, presence, erhm, towards my left. I slowly looked and fainted. Okay I didn't faint, but close to fainting. He stood there with a come- on- don't -waste- my- time- if- not- I- will- kill- you face. My friend even said that his face screams 'Bloody Murder'! So I nervously walked first, cause he wasn't even making a move! Just watching me. Uhh. Awkward much?

We were walking. I kept messaging my friends, saying stuff like, 'I am gonna die.', 'I wanna go away!'. He suddenly asked me, "So, what's up?" I was hyperventilating- in a bad way. I didn't even answer him. What I basically stuttered out was, "UhmIuhhuhhuhhamuhhfine."

He asked me where we were going. I wanted to slap his face and say, "Oh what a nice gentleman! You b****!" I thought he knows where to go! So blah blah blah I had to bring him to Mac's that was located at the building infront of the mall.

So I had to find a table cause he was just standing beside me like, 'I am your boss, find me a seat woman.' So the only seat was available was in a quiet area. So when we sat down, awkwardness was in the air. Nobody said anything. I thought he was the man. Psshh. I was still texting my friends.

So a few minutes passed and he finally said, "What do you want?"

Okay whoa hold down there. You could just ask me if I was okay! So I took my phone, and went to the notes section, and send him a note. My voice suddenly dissapeared. So it went on like that, we chat via my phone. It wasn't very nice.

I don't want to continue the rest as it brings back bad memories. *shivers*

I know I have been ranting and not 'Guiding'. Some chapters will be like that. I will tell you my 'experiences'.

So who was your first crush? I know who was mine. I was seven back then and he was six. He was so adorable! Wonder where he is now...

Okay that was not my actual first crush. I was still seven!

My first crush was when I was twelve, last year. *smiles* He was like other boys, but I felt that he was different. I know that he was, or still is. Honestly, I still like him. *sighs*

We first met on the first day of school. So, being the loner and the nerd I was last year, I sat at the front. Right beside the class door. So I sat there while looking at other students walk in, hoping that one of them will sit beside me. So one boy did. He was so damn handsome. He said, "Hi." We talked and talked and he said he liked me.

Nahh that didn't happen. Actually nobody sat beside me. I know, sad. *sniffles*. Then the teacher talked blah blah and told us that there were sitting arrangements. The class groaned but I smiled. At least somebody will (have to) sit with me.

So the teacher told him, I would call him Toby to sit with me.

So he sat beside me, said Hi and we practically didn't have a proper conversation for around two weeks straight. So one day, during a free period, he invited his dudes over to his seat and talked about Minecraft, boy stuff and played Vanguard. This card game that I will never understand how to play. So I just sat there, friendless while looking around the class to see different groups crowded around each other. Great.

So I just watched them. Until one of the boys asked me, "Could you sit somewhere else?" Then all heads turned to me, including Toby's. (Okay frigging LOL) I widened my eyes and looked at the ugly green table. "No."

Then it turned to a begging session when all of them begged me to give mercy. Okay begged me to sit at the table behind that is suspiciously unoccupied. I didn't do anything until he said, "Please (my name), I will uhh, give you chocolates in return." I faked sighed and agreed.

Then he said this, "Yes! Thanks! I love you! I mean uhh... okay so Herobrine is fake blah blah." He suddenly turned around and talked to his friends who gave me knowing looks and faked coughing. (I am sure that Herobrine is just a bug in Minecraft... or is he?)

I was in dreamland.

Oh and of course, every good story must have a bad event. So it was a few weeks later, everything was okay. The girls in my class had thought that him and me were good friends. The girls and boys in my class back then had this weird thing going on. Its like I don't know... they had to travel as one to talk to a boy from 'the group'.

I was comfortable talking to him until the girl who sat behind us said, "Erhm," She kicked the back to Toby's chair (Okay I couldn't stop laughing at this xD) ,"Toby likes someone. Who is it again Toby?" She exchanged knowing looks to Toby's friend who sat beside her. Oh wow everybody except me knows about Toby's love life.

Toby was all like, "Shut up" and "Whatever." He avoided my questioning looks. He didn't even look at me.

I couldn't take it anymore, so I asked her who. I remember that coversation very clearly.

Okay so all the names below are not real.

Me: Who is it?

The girl(Su): Actually he is a playboy. He likes three girls.

Toby: Shut up! Stop talking.

Su: Oh you shut up. *kicks chair*

Toby: Oi!

Su: So... hmm *leans in and whispers* He likes, Elly, Fely (LOL) and... *leans back and smirks*

My heart literally fell. I almost cried back then. The girls that he liked were all pretty and popular. Boys.

Su: Someone else.

Me: Who?

Toby's friend: Erhm erhm

Toby was unsually silent.

Su: You.

My heart rose again. But then, I was so nervous. Toby kept stealing glances at me. Toby's friend and Su looked at both of us. Then, being the stupid person I was (or am) I took my desk, and literally moved it away from his one. The four of us fell silent.

I can't believe I did that! I regretted my actions. And literally, from that moment on, we were never the same again. I went into this group of really nice two girls. Although I felt lonely. Then we had to change our seating arrangements. I sat at the back, far from him. From the back, I always stared at him. Our teacher placed a girl that he liked next to him. (She now has a boyfriend lol)

I was so jealous. So peeps, when you suddenly found out that a boy/girl next to you likes you, don't EVER move your desks away.

Then I noticed something, every art lesson, we get to change our seats. He always moved away and sat beside behind, as his friends and him always get to sit at the tables behind every art lesson. But when I was still sitting beside him, most of the time, he didn't move from his seat. We always did our art work in silence. Sometimes, he asked me for help to draw. *sighs happily*

But now, we had graduated from primary school and had went to different secondary schools.

The last time I saw him was a few weeks ago, he was at seven eleven, mixing up some slurpee. I walked past the store and managed to move my head for a few seconds and saw him.

He didn't see me.

Don't ever do something that you know will you will regret.

*emotional moment*



That actually really happened. xD Do tell me your first crushes experience!


-Edited by HannahFahizal -

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