Chapter 18: Something's off..

Start from the beginning

"KURO!!" Leader yelled. "Oh shhiiitt.." I muttered and teleported down into his office. "Yeees Pein-Senpai?" I said, innocently. He tackled me down and glared at me, staring intently into my eyes. "You never listen, do you?" I blinked and frowned. "Wh..What?" "I told youto be back ASAP and come into my office as soon as you walked in." He growled. I stared at him like he was crazy. "It was only a few minutes!! It's not THAT urgent, is it?!" "Yes." he said. "Okay...?" "You're going on a mission with Itachi, whenever I tell you. Get your stuff packed up ahead of time." 'That's what he had to tell me?!!' I mentally screamed. "What's it about?" I said curiously. "Meeting with one of Itachi's spies, in the Sound Village.. He's joining the Akatsuki soon." He said, then getting off me and dusting himself off, holding his hand out to me. I grabbed his hand and stood up, but he let me go and I smacked into the floor.

"OW!! You freaking JERK!" I yelled and he sneered at me as I rubbed my head and glared at him. "Good, Very good. Now, one more thing.." I stood up and folded my arms. "Yes?" "There shall be absolutly NO sexual contact between you and Itachi in the Akatsuki base, do you understand?" I screamed and ran out the door. "AIIIEE!!" I shot upstairs and covered my face up with my hair, and someone stopped me by hugging me. "You okay? You look alittle flustered, Honey." Itachi whispered. I blinked and my face got redder. "Uhm, I-I'm fine Itachi!!" I pulled away and smiled at him. "Just talking to Leader, that's all!" "Oh.. He told you about the mission?" I nodded. "I didn't know you had a spy." "Everyone does." he said, alittle bored. "Oh. Well, I'm gonna get ready, Kay?" I smiled sweetly and he petted my head and ruffled my hair.

"Go on, and make yourself all cute." he cooed. I giggled and blushed. " 'Kaaay~" I ran to 'my' room and laid the dress on my bed, and turned around, seeing a deathly scary looking Deidara and Sasori looking at me. "Where do you think your going, Hm?" Deidara said. I blushed and twitched. "U-Uh.." "Getting ready for a date with Itachi? Hm?" "None of your buisness!" I yelled and went into the bathroom and slammed the door shut. I heard Deidara yelling at me to open up the door and pounding on it. I rolled my eyes and jumped in the shower, getting ready.

A little later...

I walked out of my room, completely satisfied and all cute. I wore my black dress with black tights and small black ruffly bow in my hair. I walked into the kitchen, where I got howled at and whistled at by all the guys. Hidan walked to me and wrapped his arm around mine and smirked down at me. "Aw.. Babe, you didn't have to get all dressed up for me.. I'll just rip your clothes off, anyways!" I twitched and shoved him away. "In your dreams, 'Babe'." He snickered. "Always and forever." I twitched and growled. "Idiiooot." "My, my, You do look lovely, Kuro." Sasori said looking at me. I smiled and blushed. "Thank you, Sasori." "Why don't I get a thank you?!" Hidan whined. "Because you're a pervert!!" I said, punching him in the head, causing him to fall flat on his face.

"Oww..." he frowned and looked at me. I stuck my tounge out. "Take a picture. It'll last longer!" "...Because she won't be around for a little bit tonight." Itachi said quietly. I spun around and looked at him. He was wearing a black suit and a red tie. I blushed and my eyes doubled over. 'Hooot daaaa--' "You look nice, Kuro-chan." Itachi said, interupting my thoughts. I looked down. Normally I was cool and calm, but If I liked someone, I was shy as hell. "T-Thank you. You look..." I started. 'Sexy as hell? Cute? No. That's not strong enough.. GR!!' I argued in my head. "..very handsome yourself, Itachi." 'Liiies. He's sexy and you know it' the voice argued in my head.

'Shut the hell up!! Aye! First day!!' I argued back and smiled nervously at him. Itachi smirked and offered his arm. "My lady?" I looked at him weirdly and then wrapped my arm with his, then we took our leave. First, we went around to a bunch of rose gardens and then had dinner. Then he took me to an amusment park! We just got off a roller coaster and Itachi was wobbling around. "Aww! Itachi! Don't fall over!!" I giggled. To my suprise, he actually did. I caught him, and looked down at him, face to face with him. "Isn't this supposed to be switched?" I snickered. He rolled his eyes and re-gained his balance, took my hand and started walking off. Next we did the bumper cars, that was a mess. He didn't know how to start it, so I ended up driving with him.

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