Chapter 2

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Despite the odd feeling of darkness hanging over me in that house, I was given a kind of warm welcome by a few neighbors. With all the forest surrounding my new home, I found it crazy to think someone was living nearby. Apparently, one family was, the family who welcomed me: the MacLeans.

It consisted of an older man, probably in his sixties, who introduced himself as Martin. He wore clean denim overalls over a white button-up shirt with work boots. He looked pretty fit for his age, big shoulders and a broad chest. He was balding at the top with salt-and-pepper hair. His brow was prominent, and his nose was almost a perfect triangle.

He was cordial, but when he moved aside, I saw two young women.

One was frightening to look at. I didn't know what it was, but she caught my eye first. She was a bit taller than the other, and she had wavy, fiery hair, almost an orangey-blonde color. Arched, untouched brows framed her eerie hazel eyes, and her face was gracefully ovular. Her frame was in an hourglass, dressed in a black casual dress with frills on the front of it and small buttons to accent. The black actually made her flawless skin look ghost white. She didn't smile, but just had this...I don't know, look about her.

"I'm Sarah," she said, extending her hand out slowly, but politely. I accepted the gesture and smiled, bracing myself. She genuinely creeped me out.

"Hello, Sarah," I said, "it's nice to meet you. I'm Cole."

I let go of her hand, and saw Martin usher forth the other young woman.

"And this is my other niece, Barbi," he introduced.

I was stunned – Barbi was beautiful, not to mention easier on the eyes. Like Sarah, she had red hair, except hers was darker and straighter. Barbi also had bangs, which, set her apart like a sore thumb. In a good way, though. Her eyes were such a dark brown that they looked black, but they were warm and inviting to look into. Her face was more diamond-shaped, she was shorter, but also had a prominent Roman nose. Not huge, but it was a noticeable feature. While she was thin, I couldn't help but notice her rack. She was wearing a sleeveless, light pink, button-up dress with a tie in the front and a collar. It was only buttoned up so far. Her cleavage was right there in front of me. I also noticed a pendant on her neck, it was really pretty, like a green gemstone that was speckled with black. I tried to make eye contact, but instead directed my eyes to the plate holding what looked to be a cake covered in Saran wrap.

"I-Is this a cake?" I asked, trying to make eye contact.

"Yes, it is!" she said with a smile. "It's uh," She looked down, "chocolate and caramel."

I smiled: "how'd you know that's my favorite kind of cake?"

She was shy, and blushed a little. The pink in her cheeks was so cute. "I...didn't know."

I accepted the cake from her, and welcomed them both in, letting Barbi in first, then Sarah, and then Martin, who stopped to whisper to me.

"Barbi's already the apple of your eye," he snickered.

I said nothing, but managed to hear the person in question ask about the house as she looked up at the grand spiral staircase.

"How'd you find this house? It's hidden."

I smirked; "well, I looked online for a new job, a new start, and found this place being listed."

"What do ya do?" Martin asked with a light Southern drawl.

"Lumber," I said. "I start next week."

"Cuttin' it, or-"

"Transporting it," I said, putting my hands in my pockets as soon as I placed the cake Barbi gave me on the dining room table. "But occasionally cutting it, yeah."

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