Chapter 7: Potential Job

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I slowly dialled my aunts number even though I was dreading to since we haven't talked since I left and the last conversation we had was when she yelled at me and told me I couldn't do anything..

She picked up on the third ring


"Its Tor" I commented


"I I I got a call from one of the newspaper articles I applied to and one of them called me back... They want to schedule an interview tomorrow"

"OK what are you going to do?"

"I don't know"

"If you were really interested you would've made an effort to try to get here"


Wasting time pacing around the store I saw my grandmother walk in with bags in both her hands

"What's up with you " she said in looking around

She then added "You pacing to the wall and back faster than a double struck lightning"

"Well you see, I got called on an interview... Tomorrow... In Knoxton..." I said emphasing

"Well you got a big hole in your fence don't ya, but don't you think its a little far fetched to be going now?"

"I don't know Jane, its a little tricky at the moment"

"Did you speak to Brenda"


And it was then I figured out what I'd had to do

I packed my little bag and headed home to pack my bags and paper work which included my résumé

On my way I called my dad and told him about my prospective interview he was overjoyed that I may have finally potentially gotten a job

I also called my mom, she wasn't too happy with the fact that I was leaving so abruptly, and I'd make it there by early morning but I assured her I'll be fine, she didn't buy it one bit
But I went anyway after all I am an adult... Right?

I could only get a taxi to get me not even halfway but a quarter of the way there.

By then night have already came and it was pouring I looked like a wet rat by the time the taxi let me off at the bus station.

I headed to the bus station in the cold chilly and took the last bus outta town it took hours I wanted to close my eyes and drift off to sleep but too many weirdos were in the bus.

At least it wasn't raining here.

At the second bus station I hurriedly got in line to purchase my tickets to Knoxton with my debit card my dad got me

My hair was still  damp by the time I
got on the other bus as the rain started pouring suddenly I sat quietly as could peering out the window trying to dry my hair with my hand towel

A sweaty guy sat beside me running like a river

What has he been doing to be sweating like that

As if he could sense me staring at him with questioning eyes he turned to look at me I quickly turned away right before our eyes met


Neither of us said a word as the bus started moving.

I don't know when or how but somehow I had drifted to sleep because next thing I knew I was latched on to the former guy beside me using his hairy hand as a pillow

Jumping in fear after realizing the situation I was in I quickly apologized to the guy to which he just grunted and turned away


Moments later I had arrived.

I knocked on my aunts door, nothing, I called, nothing

So I dialled her number

Still nothing that's odd

So I started shouting and banging on the doors

"Coming" I heard a faint voice

Minutes later she opened the door and let me in

"Good night" I said
"Good night"she replied back

I walked in without saying  another word

After placing my almost dead phone on the charger I headed in the bathroom to have a shower

Upon return I saw my aunt in her bed on her phone while my cousin slept peacefully..

I tried calling my grandmother to let her know that I made it safe but I got nothing but voicemail the five times I've called I then proceeded to call my mother she picked up and I notified her that I reached safely

"That was fast" she replied

"I know right" then I hanged up the phone

I started looking up possible interview  questions so I'd at least be half ready

"My aunt got up passing and said I'm supposed to look up the address of the place because she doesn't know where it is"

"OK" I responded dumbly

I looked it up and showed it to her

That's all the way in Strockburn she said confused

She then looked it up on her phone apparently she found their Facebook page

"That's odd" she said to herself

"I found the place but its actually near to my school" she said signalling for me to come look

Well isn't that great

She said the Facebook page gave directions and its not the same name that the guy on the phone told me..

"Maybe they're con artists".

I hope to God that she's wrong and I didn't just travel all the way here for nothing.

She tried directing me but my mind was blank as I wasn't familiar with the place

I knew only some structures that she named as I tried to get a vivid picture in my head.

After that I heard her say she's been giving me wrong directions she found d the address on the map and its totally different from the one on Facebook but this one looks more legit.

Giving me directions once again and my mind coming up blank she sighed exasperatedly and said

"Good luck finding the place tomorrow" and went to her bed without another word... Sarcasm dripped off her words as she wrapped the sheets tighter around her body.

I sat there in darkness until I felt like sleeping, I set the alarm and looked forward to the day I had tomorrow.


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