"I was given the day off, Sir. I got bored." I stated clearly. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Peggy, step forward." the Colonel instructed without taking his eyes off of me. Peggy quickly made her way to my side and stood at attention. "At ease." he ordered. Her body rekaxed, but she still held herself tall and professional. "See to it that our new recruit gets the entertainment she needs. She isnt supposed to be seen by the others until the new recruits come in tomorrow." he said.

"Yes, Sir." Peggy nodded. He waved a hand at us to dismiss her and I. She shifted her eyes to me and curtly smiled. "Come on. I have an idea." she said. I smiled and followed her quick steps outside. She walked with a mission, and I did my best to keep up.

Her hair bounced with each step, and I could feel mine doing the same. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"Have you ever riden in a military issued vehicle?" she asked in her slick accent.

"No, I haven't." I smirked, getting excited in the belief I would get to ride in one now.

"Well, would you like to?" She smirked back at me as we approached the lot of cars. I nodded furiously and quickened my pace. "I have to ask the guard if we can. Sometimes its allowed and other times its not. It depends on many variables." she said, trying to keep me from getting my hopes too high. I slouched my shoulders amd my demeaner dropped.

The guard beside the lot stared at us with a blank expression as we neared him. "May we borrow a car?" Peggy spoke and halted in front of him. I stopped in front of him as well and waited by Peggy's side for his answer.

"Not today. Sorry, Miss Carter. They need refueling." he spoke in a deep voice. His helmet shaded is brown eyes and his gear looked heavy on him. My face fell and Peggy glanced at me apologetically.

"No worries. We will just have to find something else to do." she curtly smiled at the man and he adjusted his rifle in his hands. Peggy turned on her heel and I did the same. Together we walked away with disappointment and trailed slowly down the dirt and gravel road. "So, whats the plan?" she asked with a sigh as we wandered.

"Im not sure. I cant be out near the soldiers until the recruits come in I guess." I shrugged. A breeze passed by and ruffled our hair as we walked side by side.

A sly grin developed on her dark red lips and she grabbed my hand. "Come on!" she urged and pulled me along at a jog. I scoffed and jogged down the road without questioning my friend. A smile stayed plastered on her face as she ran, the wind whipping our faces and streaking through our hair. In the distance a small building grew with a big sign on the front. In large white letters it said PUB and I began to chuckle.

Peggy slowed and released the iron grip she had on my hand and we shuffled into the pub. Inside, a few soldiers were sitting at tables chatting with tall glasses of bubbling golden fluid. Peggy went straight to the barside and sat in a tall stool. I hopped onto the one beside her and leaned on the counter. The bartender approached, his thick white mustache was curled at its edges and it hid his upper lip. "Ladies, what can I do for you today?" he raised his matching thick eyebrows.

"Two Bloody Mary's please." Peggy ordered, lifting only two fingers to him before laying her hand on the counter top. The man nodded and went to mixing our drinks. I watched closely as he worked. "I am terribly sorry Colonel Phillips snapped at you earlier. He is just... A little stressed. He is a good man. He respects women, so he is a little afraid that the syrum may cause harm... I trust Howard to take care of you however." she smiled.

I glanced over and giggled, flashing her a kind grin. "You dont have to apologize. It wasnt your fault." I shrugged.

"Well, I did sort of rile him up a bit before he saw you outside. I would tell you, but its classified information." she laughed. "It seems that you and Howard are getting along well. How is he treating you?" she arched her brow.

"Pretty well actually." I nodded.

"Thats fantastic! I always thought Howard would just hook girls in and then leave them in the dust." She shrugged as the bartender placed our drinks on the counter and went back to polishing shot glasses.

I tried, amd failed, to hold in a laugh. All that came out was a small snort and my face flushed red in embarrassment. "No, Howard didn't hook me." I chuckled, and took a small sip of the red drink put in front of me. The alcohol was warm in my throat and I licked my lips. "I have a boyfriend." I said.

"Really? I am sorry. I just thought... Nevermind." she shook her head. "Your boyfriend, is he back home?" she asked curiously.

I shook my head. "No, he's uh... 107th. Sergeant James Barnes." I smiled proudly, like I was showing him off in some sort.

"James Barnes." she repeated, staring into space as she thought. "I dont think I know him. What is he like?" she asked me.

I smiled and took another drink of my Bloody Mary. "He is the most handsome man I have ever seen in my life. He has these beautiful blue eyes that-that I could get lost in forever. And his smile, oh my, his smile is stunning." I rambled. Peggy smiled and waited for me to continue talking. "He goes by Bucky. He used to be a womanizer in his teenage years before he met me. We have been together for eight years now, and I love him more than life." I smiled. My heart beat quickly in my chest and I felt light as a feather while talking about him.

"He sounds like a wonderful fellow. Perhaps, when this is all over, I could get the chance to meet him and thank him for taking care of my new best friend." she winked, raising her glass and taking a little sip of her drink. I giggled and drank as well. Her brow furrowed and she pointed at my locket I was wearing, which I rarely took off. "Did he give that to you?" she asked.

I glanced down at it and smiled. "Yes. Here, there's a picture of him inside of it." I said, setting down my drink and opening up the two sides of the necklace to show her the picture of Bucky it held. She smiled at it and admired the photo.

"He is very handsome. You are a lucky woman." she winked. I nodded, thinking the very same thing, and closed the locket. "Cheers, to becoming best friends and to your Bucky." she smiled, raising her glass. I smiled and raised mine, clinking them together before taking a long swig of the alcohol rich fluid.

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