Chapter 1

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So I'm going to try a new point of view. I haven't necessarily used it outside of my Moments book. Anyways, let's get this partay started! No? ....

It's been nearly two years since Eli had passed, and Luke wasn't at his best point. He was so stressed, because he now had a daughter that he had to raise on his own. He was a terrible father! At least, that's what he thinks.

Five year old Frankie sat on the floor, playing with the Barbies she had gotten for her birthday. If only Elenoir was here to witness the little girl's birthday. Luke sat on the couch, watching reruns of "How I Met Your Mother". Every now and then, he would sneak little peeks at the little girl.

After an episode's worth of time, Frankie was getting antsy. The strawberry blonde girl set down her dollies, and crawled onto the couch. She looked at her daddy, and pouted when he ignored her presence. "Daddy," she whined.

Luke looked over to the pouting girl confused. "Yes babes?"

"I'm bored," she mumbled.

"Okay, what do you want to do?"

"Uh, park!"

Luke sighed, trying to think of what to say. He would do anything for his baby girl, but he just did not want to leave the house today. "How about we play Candyland?" He suggested.

"No, I wanna' go to the park," she pouts.

"Frankie, please don't start," Luke begs. This happened usually everyday. If not, it was every other.

"I wanna' go to the park!" She yells.

"Frankie," he warned, not wanting to put up with her attitude. She got jumped off the couch, and threw herself to the ground. She started screaming and crying. She punched the ground with her little fists, and kicked. "Frankie Rowan Hemmings! You stop it right now!" Luke scolded.

When she didn't he carefully picked her up (last time he wasn't careful, she had kicked him in the groin) and held her tightly so she couldn't move her legs and arms. She tried her best to continue throwing her fit, but she was under restrain.

Luke set the screaming little girl down in her time out chair. Frankie knew how this went. She would continue to scream and cry until she got her way. Not today though. After about five minutes of screaming, Luke had decided that he's had enough.

Luke marched right over the chair and kneeled down in front of her. "Frankie, stop screaming right now. Sit in the time out chair quietly until I say you can get out," he scolded.

The little girl stopped screaming, and slumped into her chair. Her arms were crossed, and her face set into a pout. Tears ran down her cheeks as she thought about her dad yelling at her. She contemplated getting off of the chair to go see him. Though it was too late by the time she had made her decision, because her father was once again kneeled in front of her.

"Frankie, you know what you did?" He sighed. Her only response was a small nod. "What? What did you do wrong?"

"I don't know," she whispered, looking at her small, chubby fingers.

"You threw a fit when I said no to the park, and even though I put you in time out, you still threw it," he informed. "So what did I say you did wrong?"

"I threw a fit." The little girl was trying her best to not cry, but a few stray tears slipped.

"Good. I'll put on some Blue's Clues, so you can watch that to calm down, okay?" Luke suggested, picking the small girl up. Frankie just nodded, laying her head in the crook of her father's neck. The young father turned on the show as promised, and endeavored to set her down. However, Frankie didn't really want to leave her father's arms at that moment.

"Frankie, aren't you going to watch Blue's Clues?" He asked. She shook her head, and tightened the embrace on her father. "Well daddy needs to make you some lunch, and make a call to your kindergarten class."

"I don't wanna' go," she whined.

"You aren't going today babes. You start in a couple weeks, but daddy has to make sure things are in order," he informed. Once again, the young father tried setting her down, but she wasn't having it. He huffed, resting her on his hip. "Okay, fine. I'll let you come make lunch with me. What do you want?"

"Maccas?" She asked politely.

"No baby. Not today," he said, setting her on the island counter.

"Please?" she begged.

"Frankie, I said no," he warned.

She sighed dramatically before thinking of what sounded good. "Uh, maccy and dinos?"

"Mac n' Cheese and your Dino Nuggets?" He asked, confirming her answer. She nodded and begun to swing her legs back and forth as her daddy began to cook her meal. She looked up when she heard him talking on the phone.

She looked over to the living room to see that the TV was still playing Blue's Clues, and decided that she wanted to watch it now. She looked at the floor which seemed miles away. The little girl looked to her dad to see that he was stirring the noodles and still talking.

"Daddy?" She asked quietly. He held up his pointer finger to indicate that she needed to wait, but she didn't want to wait. She just wanted to watch Blue's Clues. She slowly eased her foot onto a drawer, and did the same with the other. However, half way down, she slipped. Before she knew it, she was on the floor, and her bum was hurting. Bad.

She began to cry for her daddy. Luckily, Luke had just finished going through what he needed to. He quickly hung up, and attended to his crying daughter. "What happened honey?" He asked, picking up his baby girl.

"I-I wanted to wa-watch Blue's Clues," the little girl cried.

"Babes, I told you to wait a minute," he said, rubbing the little girl's back. Frankie continued to sob into her dad's shoulder. "Hey, calm down. You're okay," Luke soothed, trying his best to make her stop crying. He quickly attended to the Mac n' Cheese. "Are you ready for lunch?" He asked the whimpering girl. She hummed in response as her daddy sat her in her booster chair.

Luke walked over to the stove, and turned everything. He proportioned out her meal, and set it out for her. Before they knew it, they were eating lunch, and had forgotten about the previous incidents.

Okay, so tips to this?

How do you feel about the third person limited?

Does my writing suck as usual?

How do you feel about Frankie? Luke?

What are your thoughts in general? Like, should I continue this story or nah?


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