Chapter One

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Ryann P.O.V.

"Chase can you go get some frozen pizza. Get as many as you can carry." I said to Chase, my six year old son.

He went down to the very end of the aisle of the frozen food area. I was about to open the door to the refrigerator to browse a bit until someone bumped into me causing me to stumble.

I blew my breath and rolled my eyes frustratingly, ready to chew out the person.

"I'm so sorry," I looked up and was met with baby blue eyes. My heart started to thump irregularly.


The next thing I know I was being crushed into a hug. His cologne wafted into my nostrils I smiled knowing that he still wear the same cologne since high school. I swooned remembering that he was still embracing me in his arms.

"Ryann how have you been?"

My hands was shaking and sweaty I tried to calm my breathing.

"Umm I'm great" I said as I started playing with the hem of my white cardigan.

I smiled up at him breathlessly he matured since high school. He was more muscular, his face was more toned. His orange hair that looked kinda brown from a distance was cut on the sides. Those baby blue eyes still has that beautiful glint in it.

"What have you been up to lately?"

"Umm nothing really"

"You look nice Ryann," My lip trembled I have always loved how my name rolled off his oh so talented tongue.

"Mimi I have it," Chase said as he put the frozen pizzas in the cart.

I turned back to Hunter as his naturally perfect eyebrows was knitted together.

"Ryann?" Hunter asked

"Thank you" I said as I kissed Chase's forehead

"Ryann?" Hunter repeated

"Let's see what you have?" I said as I shuffled past Hunter. But to no avail, my elbow was grabbed lightly.

"Ryann who's that?" I trembled and tried to swallow my pride

"Hello. How are you? " Chase said to Hunter. At that moment I regretted teaching Chase proper greetings.

Hunter smiled and waved, "Hey little guy what's your name?"

"His name is Chase. It was nice seeing you Hunter."

"Ryann. Chill. So Chase how old are you?"

"I'm six," Don't say anything else please. "I'll be seven on December 29th"

Some thing in Hunter made him stiffen. I closed my eyes and prayed asking God was now the time. I opened my eyes to see Hunter staring at me intensley. His baby blue eyes resembled a storm.

"Chase can you go see if you can find some pepperoni hot pockets for mimi." My voice trembled as my hand shook.

"I'm only going to ask you once Ryann. Is he mine?" Tears started welling up in my eyes. Ryann don't you dare cry. You brought all this on yourself.

A single tear rolled down my face. I nodded my head. I heard Hunter sigh deeply then more tears rolled down my cheeks. This is what happens when you whore around in high school.

"Ryann why didn't you tell me."

Ryann stop being a punk and suck it up. I sniffed and wiped away the tear as I felt like a child again.

"Hunter, now is not the time. We're in a grocery store, maybe later."

Chase came back and put the hot pocket boxes in the cart.

"Come on," I said as Chase put his hand on the side of the cart as we headed to the check out line. As I was checking out Hunter was behind me.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Following you so we can talk"

"Hunter I just can't right now" I'm very exhausted from work.

"Well can I at least stay with you for like two weeks, since I'm in town."

I bit my lip debating if I should or shouldn't. If I do Chase will get to know his father better. They can spend a lot of time together. What if I say no and he takes Chase away from me.

"Umm yeah, yeah. Yeah you can stay." A sly grin appeared on his face. He knew he had the upper hand in this situation.

"Mimi I'm sleepy" Chase said holding his hands up. I picked him up as I was placing things on the counter to be paid for.

"Your total is $285.67"

I started reaching in my bill folder for my debit card.

"I got it" Hunter said as he pulled his wallet out his back pocket

"No I have it" I said as I put my hand in top of his stopping his movement

"I said I have it, now that's final" I looked at the sales associate as she stood there awkwardly. I stepped back as Hunter swiped a card that looked very exquisite.

I pushed the cart out of the store as the EDC machine was approving his card. I put a sleeping Chase in and started up my vehicle.

Hunter was at the back placing the groceries in. I watched as he finished the last few bags.

"Thank you"

"Ryann I'm supposed to do things like this for you and Chase. I'm going to follow you to your place, okay?"

"Okay" I said as I watched him walk to his truck. And all I can think about was that he still had that glorious butt from high school baseball.

"Are you going to tell me something about my son" Hunter said as we was finishing up the groceries

"What do you want to know" I said as I leaned on the counter. Hunter blew out his breath as he drug his hand down his face.

"Ryann was our relationship back in high school serious to you?"

"Your acting like our relationship was rainbows and butterflies"

"That's not what I'm trying to say Ryann."

"Then what are you trying to say?"

"Just forget it. When did you find out you were pregnant?"

"Early July"

"When I came to your house and your mother said you went to stay with your aunt. Was that true?"


"Ry your killing"

We stood in the kitchen staring at each other awkwardly. Hunter stormed out the kitchen down to the guest room as I put the last of the grocery into their respectful places.

As I lied in my bed thinking over my priorities there was a sudden knock on my door. My door opened as Hunter head peeped through.

"You mind if I come in. I can't sleep." I shook my head no

Hunter came and lied under the cover, he pulled me onto his naked chest.

"How's your parents" I asked Hunter

"Same old same old. You know them they've been traveling a bit..... Ryann do you know how much I missed my best friend. I had no one to talk to on the level that I talked to you on. "

"I couldn't do it Hunter"

"What's his middle name?"


Hunter kissed my forehead "Wow. Just like his daddy"

A yawn escaped from my lips as my eyes was getting dreary. We lied there in silence, I looked up and saw that he was sound asleep. I smiled and snuggled into his side, as I was drifting into sleep I thought I might regret letting him sleep with me.

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