Chapter Nine: Trust 101

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"Alright Morgan, are you ready to leave this room?" Bruce's gruff voice pulled me out of my thoughts. 

I sent him a glare, one I was hoping would make him back off. Too bad for me I was dealing with the king of glaring. 

"Wow, how could I refuse such a wonderful offer," I told him sarcastically. Although I really wanted to trade this metal table for a more comfortable bed. Something with actual cushions, and this collar around my neck was starting to irritate me. 

"I think you're ready. You have been here almost a week now and haven't tried anything too crazy," he told me, eyeing me suspiciously. 

"I can be more reckless if you liked, you know show off my evil side," I told him, smiling like a madwoman. I watched as Bruce tensed up, knowing some of things I've done since we parted last. Things I wasn't proud of, things none of them would ever understand. 

"Well Dick thinks you're ready to be in the other room. Have a little more freedom. I trust him, but I don't trust you. Not anymore," Bruce replied, his eyes piercing into mine. My smile faded away, that one piercing deep. 

"I'm the one all tied up, so I'm not really in any position to object," I said sweetly. I was trying to recover from what he said, he didn't need to know it affected me. That any of this affected me. "Now I know this is here for everyone's protection, but I think this necklace is really out of style."

"Don't push it," Bruce said defiantly, not backing down. I knew they were scared of my powers, of some of things I could do. Some of things I have done. 

"When do I get to see my new room?" I asked him, actually becoming anxious over this. If I wasn't getting out of here anytime soon, then I would rather be in a cozy spot. 

"Dick will be here later, Alfred is setting it up. But don't think it's anything like the first room we gave you. This one comes with bars," Bruce reminded me, his voice staying flat and discomforting. 

"I'm looking forward to it," I replied rudely. If he was going to be nasty, then so was I. Not that I blamed him for being this way to me.

He left the room, letting the door slam as he left. The entire room becoming quiet and still once more. 

I let out a deep breathe, letting myself relax for a moment. That is until thoughts of my parents entered my head once more. They were all I could think about right now, there is no telling what Slade would do to them while I was away. 

Maybe if I told Dick about them, he could figure out where they were. Or maybe that would only make things worse. If Slade found out about him knowing I know he would fulfill the promise he made me. There was no bluff in his tone or eyes. 

Then the door opened again, this time it was Dick who walked in. The entire room became even more tense, I know he was trying hard to get inside my head. He only wanted to know what was going on with  me. But, I couldn't tell him. 

Him and Bruce were my only visitors, no one else was allowed in. Especially after the stunt that Batgirl pulled. Not that anyone would want to come in anyways, I was deemed "unpredictable". Which I think is quite the exaggeration. 

"How are you doing today?" Dick asked me, still keeping somewhat of a distance. He was closing up more these days, the more I didn't want to open the more he closed himself off.

"Well I get to upgrade rooms, thanks to you," I told him with a small smile. Dick returned my smile, barely making eye contact with me. It was almost as if we were strangers again, not sure what to say to one another. 

"I just want you to be comfortable. Especially for your uh-" Dick started, I watched as he fumbled for the right word to say.

"For what? My recovery from the dark side?" I asked him, narrowing my eyes. I almost flinched at the own coldness in my voice. 

"That's not what I meant," Dick tried to say, going to reach out his hand, but stopping himself. 

"But it is! I know exactly what you meant! You think I am just as crazy as everyone else around here. Not thinking for one moment that maybe there's a reason I am doing all of this," I told him bitterly. I couldn't help myself from letting the words spill out. 

"Well if you would just tell me I wouldn't have to wonder!" Dick yelled, standing from his previous spot in the chair beside me. I watched as he cheeks became flushed, they always did that when he become upset. 

"I can't do that," I whispered, not looking at him now. I knew I couldn't, not with my parents lives on the line. 

"If you don't, you're only going to hurt yourself Morgan," Dick said, shaking his head. He walked towards the door. I had messed up once again. "If you don't let someone in, well there maybe no one there whenever you're ready."

I held my breath as he slammed the door shut beside him. I didn't let it out until I thought he was completely gone. I couldn't help but let tears fall down my cheeks. I couldn't even wipe them away, my hands still bound. They didn't trust me yet, not by a long shot. 

I wasn't sure what to do. Not anymore. My moral compass was all eschewed and I wasn't sure it would ever be the same. If I would ever be the same. 

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