Why do I feel like Im being poked? AU Edition 2/2

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Star's POV

I looked at the doll and I poked it. I actually wondered if this affected anyone at all. "Dude what if someone actually felt like their being poked?" Gaby asked. "Oh my god, you guys wouldn't that feel weird, though" Jessica questioned.  "Well either way I'm going to poke it" Star said. I began poking the doll for the rest of the time it took us to get home. I looked up at Gaby and Jessica and saw that they were silent but smiles grazed their lips. I knew they were thinking of Dean and Cas. We entered my house and went to my room. 

Suddenly, my thoughts were occupied with Sam's face. His hair, his face, his eyes, his lips. Everything about him was just amazing. I smiled to myself as his face occupied my thoughts. I looked at the doll. It reminded me a lot of Dean and I smirked as a thought occured in my mind. Maybe Dean could feel himself being poked.  I poked the doll and ran my hand down its sides hoping it did affect him just to mess with him.

I felt my phone buzz and I opened the notification. It was a text from Sam.  I squealed lightly and I saw Jessica and Gaby give me a weird look. 

Sam: Hey it's Sam

Star: Hey Sam 

Sam: So I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight.

I read the message and squealed loud again, enough for Gaby to come over and see my reason for squealing. "Aw, you're going to say yes right?"Gaby asked.  "Ohh, did someone get asked out?" Jessica asked playfully and I knew she was smirking.

"Duh!" I said answering Gaby's question while typing yes. I got a message immediately after I sent it. 

Sam: Great! Does 8 sound good?

Star: Sounds great. See you later :)

I sent the message and rushed to my closet to look for an outfit. "Well it looks like I'm not the only one going out with someone then" Gaby and Jessica said at the same time. We all looked at each other and laughed. 

Sam's POV

I texted Star once I got home. Dean and Castiel were about Gaby and Jessica. I laid on the bed and had a small conversation with Star. I was going to meet up with her later and I was very excited. 

I picked an outfit and then hopped in the shower. I could still feel excitement running through me from meeting Star.

~Small time skip brought to you by Dean's pie and the editor's pain ~

Deans POV

I parked my baby in front of Gaby's house and went to her door. Apparently Sam and Cas had dates with Star and Jessica, so we all are going together.

I knocked on the door and a few seconds later it opened and revealed the three girls. They all looked beautiful, but my eyes were on Gaby. She went casual but she still looked amazing.

"Shall we go?"I said finally ripping my eyes away from Gaby. All five of them nodded and we walked back to my car. Everyone got in and I turned on my baby and smiled as she purred to life.

"So what were y'all doing in the pawn shop?" Cas asked.

"I wanted to see if i would find anything interesting to buy and I did" Star answered.

"What did you buy?" Sam asked piping in.

"A voodoo doll" Gaby answered while glancing at me. "Yup. It intrigued me, so purchased it" Star said.

"What's with the big words?" Jessica said while giving Star a weird look. Star rolled her eyes playfully and Gaby giggled.

We talked for the rest of the drive until we pulled up at Ellen's diner.  We sat down in booth and Jo came over to our table. She smiled at us and began to introduce herself.

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