Just A Small Scratch

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Dean laid down and winced. "This job is really taking its toll on us" Dean groaned as he looked over at his brother. His brother, Sam, had already fallen asleep. He suddenly heard a knock at the door before it swung open. Cas came in and worriedly glanced at the two brothers. "Are you two, ok?" He asked looking over at Dean. "Yeah, we are perfectly fine" Dean replied. Cas rolled his eyes at his bestfriend's response. He noticed Sam was asleep and he saw Dean looking over at his brother with an evil smirk.  

Dean stood up and winced slightly. He had a wound on his side, but he didn't want anyone to worry about it so he kept quiet. It seemed that fate was against him because Cas noticed that he winced. He look at his side and saw a blood stain on his shirt. "Dean, are you wounded?" Cas asked while walking up to Dean. "Oh, um it's nothing just a small scratch" Dean said while looking away. He had gotten used to not being paid much attention or care but every once in a while he yearned for attention. But as long as his brother and bestfriend were alive and alright he was fine with it.

 "Dean, a scratch wouldn't bleed that much" Cas said while pointing at Dean's side. The blood stain was growing but Dean didn't want to accept that he needed help. "Cas, I'm perfectly fine. It's just a scratch" Dean said hoping Cas would drop it. "Dean, go to the bathroom and clean your wound and bandage it" Cas said using a stern voice. "Fine" Dean said and walked towards the bathroom. Cas walked over to Sam and tapped his shoulder. "What do you want Dean?" Sam asked clearly annoyed. "It's Cas not Dean" Cas responded. Sam sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Hey Cas, What's up?" Sam asked. "Did you see Dean get hurt during your hunt today?" Cas asked. 

"Yes, but he wouldn't let me help he said he would fix it when he came home" Sam said. Sam rolled his eyes and spoke "He didn't fix it, did he?" Cas shook his head and spoke "Not until right now that I told him to go clean it and bandage it" Sam sighed, stood up, went to the bathroom and knocked on the door. "It's occupied as you can clearly tell" Dean answered sarcastically. "Dean, why didn't you fix your wound as soon as you came home?" Sam asked. "Because it's not that big of a deal" Dean answered. Movement was heard in the bathroom followed by a groan of pain. "Damn, this hurts" the two boys heard from the other side.

 "Do you need help?" Sam asked slightly worried about his brother. "No its fine. I got it... Thanks though" Deans responded. He never really showed that he was grateful for his brother's insistence to help him. "I'm done now" Dean said while opening the door. Cas and Sam glanced at each other before looking back at Dean. "Dean you need to let us help you when you need help" Sam said knowing what Dean's next words would be. "I've told you two this before. I'm ok I don't need you two to help me. I've had to stick up for myself and I can protect myself. What really matters is that you two are safe. My job is to protect both of you" Dean argued. "And what about you? You can't protect us if you wind up dead! Dean, we need to protect each other! No matter what, you mean a lot to us. We are your family. Please don't push us away" Sam whispered. Dean's mouth was agape, not knowing how to respond to his brother's argument. "I'm sorry, I just sometimes think I'm not worth it" Dean finally said.

 The two males pulled Dean into a hug. "Dean, you are worth it. Sam and I would be lost without you" Cas said. "Ok, enough with the chick-flick moments" Dean said. Sam and Cas laughed knowing this was typical Dean. "Well it's late and we have to wake up and kill more monsters so go to sleep" Dean commanded. "Why can't we stay up and have a sleep over??" Cas suggested while playfully smirking at the Winchesters. "And do what? Braid Sam's hair?" Dean joked, sarcasm lacing his words. "Hey!" Sam said while laughing. "Ok, but seriously go to sleep" Dean ordered. "Yes, mother" Cas and Sam said in unison. The boys laughed and Cas left to his room. The Winchester brothers fell into their beds. "Goodnight jerk" Sam said sleepily. "Goodnight... Moose" Dean answered. Even though he couldn't see it he knew Sam had rolled his eyes. That night, Dean fell asleep feeling tired, but most importantly feeling loved.

The End

AN: Hey readers so this is my first one shot and I hope you like it. If you want me to do more please comment down below. Don't forget to vote and check out my other 3 stories byee.

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