I Am Blinded By His Smile

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Y/n's P.O.V

If a few minutes ago Jungkook didn't do something stupid, I would definitely ask him to help me find the teacher's office but it's too late to ask now. Especially since there's a big possibility of me being flustered with his company once again.

He is a handsome young man and I am a vulnerable young woman. It's not every day that you would get a good luck charm to meet him twice in a row. Accidentally.

As I walk along the long hallway, it's packed with students standing by their classrooms and having an exciting conversations with their friends. With each classroom that I walk past by, I took a peek inside the rooms.


I made a bet to myself that if I ever meet the same doe eyes again, I would definitely give the green light for my brain to stamp him as my official crush from now on.

With my head poking in between the students, my curious eyes change into wide eyes when suddenly a smiling man stops my steps. I quickly took a few steps back from him before glaring at him.

Who is this person?

"Hello!" He enthusiastically greets me.

I keep quiet. I don't know how to respond to his high tension, the aura around him radiates the yellow, orange sun. Warm and safe to fall into his charm but there's a splash of redness behind his warmness. He is mysterious but I couldn't help but think of him as a friendly man.

"Such a cold person for a new face."
"I could never say the same to you." I give up my silence but it doesn't mean that I want to have a long conversation with him.

I didn't wait long beside him, pushing him from blocking my way, and continued my journey with my eyes searching for the direction signs.

"Oh! You have an angel's voice!"

I whip my head towards his excited face. Suddenly with a determined face, he runs his long legs towards my side and follows me with his beautiful wide smile.

"I must know your name!"
"Why should I tell you?"
"Because I want to know you more!"

What is wrong with this boy? If anyone listening to our conversation, it looks very clear that I'm running away from him but why is he still asking me useless questions?

"If I tell you my name, would you go away?" I ask him a favor if I answer his curiosity. 
"I promise." He smiles brightly with his reply.

"Ah...." I painfully moan when bright sunlight shines on his face. It blinds me until I couldn't open my eyes. Protecting my eyes with my hands, I take a deep breath before adjusting my back properly on my shoulders.

"My name is y/n." I give him an answer and quickly turn my legs away from his sunshine.

"Perfect name for a perfect girl." He continues to butter me up with sweet words but I have no time to be fluttered or be a butterfly over his words cause I am still lost in this big ass school.

"You look lost." He pops up beside me again.

I continue to walk faster away from him but his legs are longer than mine. It makes sense for him to be beside me again, even after more extra exercise.

"I am lost."
"Why won't you ask for my help? I am a student here as well. In fact, I am your senior in this place too."

"I prefer to be lost rather than ask for help." I sarcastically give him my reply.

"Then, I'll just take a guess on where you're heading to." He laughs lightly before whispering, "This feels like a treasure hunt."

I took a small peek at his thinking, plus pouting duck, face before smiling lightly at him. He is not bad to be with. but it is also a fact that he has an annoying habit of asking multiple questions without rest excluding his habit, I think he is not as bad as I thought a few seconds ago.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎 𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐑 -𝐉𝐉𝐊 𝐅𝐅(𝟏)Where stories live. Discover now