Our Heart Is Weak

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"You look perfect." Her mother proudly examines her full uniformed body.

A few days ago, everyone remembers her strong disagreement with her mother's idea of her being a full-time high schooler again but after reconsidering the future she can have IF she stayed in school.  There will be millions of chances of her getting a higher salary or even better!

I could start my own business and be my own boss.

But to be that high, we all know better, that getting your papers are the most easiest and common way to a successful life.

That is why she without any more arguments, agree with her mother and put herself in the hands of the teachers once again. She hopes to not be neglected or be an annoyance towards them cause it has been a while since the last time she hold her pen properly in a class before.

"I need to go now, mom." Y/n smiles at her mother while trying to run away from her grasp but the daughter was grabbed and quickly pulled back to stand in front of her mother.

"Okay okay! One last picture and then you're free." With a face filled with happiness, she hurriedly took her precious daughter's picture for her precious memory album.

"Are you done yet?" Y/n asks one last time while glancing over the clock.

If I run, I might catch the bus.

She said to herself. Glancing down at her mother's smiley face, her heart could not be happier with her decision. Just going to school could make her this happy, y/n could not imagine her excitement when she sees her walk into her top university pick.

She will be overwhelmed by pride if that day comes.

While she looks through the pictures, the daughter taps her shoulders for her attention and asks the same question again. This time, her mother didn't smile with happiness but her teary eyes surprised her until she choke up too 'cause she adores her as her one and only daughter.

"Have fun at school." She whispers to her one and only light before cupping her cheek with one hand.

Without hesitating, y/n wraps her mother into a tight hug and whispers, "I will, and thank you for giving me this chance."

"Of course." She answers back while helping her daughter calm down from the emotions both of them are drowning in the early morning.


Y/n took the farthest seat of the bus and took the left side of the window while her ears are completely clogged with her earphones. Listening to a morning podcast from her favorite podcasts, was like a moment for her to wake her eyes up in the lazy morning.

𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎 𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐑 -𝐉𝐉𝐊 𝐅𝐅(𝟏)Where stories live. Discover now