The Huntress of Night

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 The sun rose steadily from the horizon, as I walked through a village filled with children of different size and age. The parents, I have yet to see. It could be, I have stumbled upon yet, another village where the parents left their children to rot and die in such a hungry state. The village itself was a labyrinth, what surprised me the most was the smell of the place. It had a smell of flowers, but none were to be seen.

As I guided around the wooden houses, I felt the presence of eyes watching my every move. Two blasted hours in the labyrinth of the small village and I already felt the sensation of hatred crawl through me. Not only did I feel trapped in such a place, I also had a sense of belonging here. "That's dumb," I said under my breath. "I belong nowhere, yet everywhere."

I then traveled onward ignoring the sounds of plea and laughter.

The sky was cloaked in darkness. Only the moon gave off light, but its light was crimson like blood. There were no sounds. Not even the wind dared to utter any whispers in the night for it too feared what was to come, but it did blow gently, careful to not say a word. Already the air was filled with the scent of death and blood. The night was almost a bitter cold. It was enough to make a mere human tremble and go blue, but it was nothing to me. I stood upon the rooftops, my black cloak flowing elegantly in the gentle breeze. I wore black boots and a long black dress with dark red trim. A hood covered my face so if anyone were to spot me, they would not be able to see my face.

I smirked as I spotted a wayward traveler wearing ragged clothing. He was middle aged and had not eaten or slept for days it seemed. He was maybe six foot and had dark hair. He even had a bag slung over his shoulder. Gracefully, I jumped down, landing on my feet without a sound and made my way to the man. "Hello there," I said, my voice sounding like music that was soft and sweet. The man turned, startled, but then relaxed as he saw it was a woman that had approached him. "Who are you? Isn't it late for a lady to be out?" I laughed, a soft quiet laugh. "Yes, well, I enjoy midnight strolls," I replied, getting closer to him. "May I see your face?" the man asked. I couldn't help but smile knowing that when this mortal's eyes would gaze upon me, he would be instantly trapped in my clutches. I lowered the hood, exposing my face. My skin was pale and smooth, my lips were the color of roses, my eyes still glowed crimson, but were enchanting at the same time, and my hair was long and wavy as it flowed out from the confines of the hood. The man stared with his mouth wide open. When he spoke, he stuttered. "W-w-wow... You are beautiful...." He gasped. "Perhaps we should go elsewhere," I said softly. The man merely nodded and followed.

I led the way through the streets and into an alleyway. I stopped at the dead end and turned. The man had not noticed their location just yet. I smiled, looking at his neck, hearing the beating of his heart, seeing his breaths appear in wisps of white smoke then vanish as soon as they came, smelling the scent of the blood that coursed through his fragile body.

"Come here," I said, and in a trance, the man obeyed. I ran my hand across his face and slowly inclined his head back, exposing his neck. "W-what a-are you doing, miss?" he asked, slightly afraid now. I could hear his heart start to beat faster. "Shh..." I said. "It's okay.. It will be over soon..." The man started to squirm, but I held him tightly. I leaned close to his neck and bit him, embedding my fangs into his flesh.

He cried out in pain and surprise. As the minutes dragged on, he started to relax. I continued to drink the red liquid that flowed through his veins. The man went limp as I drained the last drops from his now cold body. I grinned and dropped the corpse onto the ground. It made a dull thud as it made contact. Suddenly, doors flew open around the village and footsteps ran toward me and the corpse. The alley was blocked by at least a dozen or so villagers. They glanced at the body then at me, their eyes wide with shock. Then, they advanced with swords and sharp objects. I laughed at their foolishness and lunged at them.  

 I stood among a pile of corpses, covered in blood. I had a smirk upon my face as I licked the blood off my hands. "Humans are so fragile yet their blood is so delicious..." I looked up at the sky which was still dark. When dawn comes, many women and children will awake to no husbands and fathers. Instead, they will see their blood stained on the streets, they will see the corpses scattered, they will smell the scent of their rotting flesh, and they will mourn. I lifted the hood over my face and started to leave the village. "Now.... What fun would there be if there were any survivors?" I asked aloud and then snapped my fingers.

The village behind me burst into flames, lighting the night ablaze. Screams soon pierced the air followed by the running of people. "Such a beautiful sound for a crimson night," I said and continued on my way until the night swallowed me, making me vanish. No doubt rumors of what happened would be told throughout the lands. I was called by many names: the Blood Witch, the White Beauty, Destroyer of Kingdoms, the Vampire Sorceress. However, these were not my real names. I was Isabel Akeldama Clemente and I was a Pureblood Vampire.  

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