The Knight of Day

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 Dawn with her rose tip fingers creep over the horizon, this was a marvelous sight. The woodland creatures began to awake slowly. The chirps of the birds, the wails of banshee's ongoing, woodpeckers happily pecking on trees awaiting to grab their breakfast, and the bells from a faraway town chimed. A house not too far, but, not too close was still masked in shadows. This was where I slept, not inside, but on top of the wooden house inhabited by a human family. As soon as the sun hit my face, my dark orange and yellow eyes opened slowly.

Not a minute passed, I was ready for the day. Wearing clothing, I borrowed from an Arabian man from Egypt. A cotton shirt designed with hieroglyphs to ward off evil that may come near, the trousers were more of Arabian style, a bit baggy and loose, with a sort of scarf tied around the waistband in case if it was too loose, the shoes were a thirteenth century London shoes, leather.

The sun was still rising over the horizon, by the time I was I on the ground. Without a sound made, I went inside of the house to find the family sleeping soundly asleep. The inside, unlike the outside, was quite cozy and warm. Walking into what looked like their kitchen, I smiled and snapped my fingers. A small bag filled with gold and three pence. Inadequate lives these people lived and I wanted to help them in a way that I can.

Snapping my fingers, food for the rich laid upon the table. Ale by two tankers, bread five loaves, a vase of flowers, baked chicken, soup with fine vegetables, and exotic fruits. Pulling up bag, I looked at the family and saw how they all looked so fragile, like an ice crystal.

Deep breath was taken and I left the house quietly, but a sound inside was made. A voice of a young girl was heard.

"Mum! Dad! Susie!" she said with surprise. "The dragon boy left us treats!"

Invisible to them, I saw the happiness in their eyes. Such a feeling that I crave for, so as long as to share it with someone. Sadly, none that I know of my brethren and sisters are alive. I turned to leave, it was then that the same girl walked out of her own home.

"Ah, dragon boy!" she called out. "Thank you for fulfilling my wishes!"

I looked at her with my dark orange and yellow eyes, such a slender girl with rags that covered her body. Poor child, she looked sick much like her family. With a stride, I got down to one knee and touched her cheek so lightly. I contemplated her looks, such long dark brown hair with light green eyes that represent a hint of dwarf descent, the scent unmistakable. Just a kiss upon the forehead and a magic unforetold by others took place upon the contact of my lips to her skin.

Spoke in a dialect of dragons, I took off one of my scales that appeared upon my fair skin and made it into a simple necklace. She looked at me and took the necklace into the palm of her hand. "Dragon scale," she whispered. Her light green eyes looked at my own dark orange and yellow. Unexpected, she wrapped her arms around me and squeezed gently. "Thank you," she said before giving me a kiss upon the cheek.

She walked inside with a smile upon her face. I was there for a while, but, soon quickly stood up and nodded. "Well, let's leave it at that," I said under my breath.

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