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**I'D LIKE TO MAKE IT CLEAR: I do not approve of bullying, nor do I think it is a joke. The way I present this story is merely a mockery of events that happen in almost EVERY fetus writer's book, and they are not to be taken seriously.**

My name is April Marie Kelly Summer Rose Raindrop, and I'm the school nerd.

I have long brunette hair that reaches my butt, and sparkling green eyes. I'm kind of short, I'm only 5'4.

Everyone calls me ugly and pushes me around at school. Ugh. It's unbearable. But I don't say anything to the teachers or staff that preach about anti-bullying 24/7 and offer their help to anyone being bullied because that would be outrageous.

I shut my locker and sigh in relief. Time to go home.

The oversized glasses that I don't even need slip down my nose, and I push them back up my acne free face as I walk to the car park.

"Freak!" Some kid yells as he trips me. I fall dramatically to the ground, my books flying everywhere. I stick my tongue out at him even though I'm a junior in high school, and collect my books. I run to my car before the queen bee and head cheerleader finds me.

She doesn't like me. I faintly remember our last time properly talking, which was in second grade, October second at 9:56 am in front of the cafeteria...

"Hi April!" Amber smiled nicely.

"Ugh. Your breath stinks like buttholes!" I yelled back in front of her crush, Xavier Black Tyler Thorn.

Everyone laughed as I threw my banana peel at her.

Amber started to cry.

"Amber, I was just kidding!" I laughed as she turned away from me. She turned back with a cold look in her eyes.

"I will never forgive you, April Marie Kelly Summer Rose Raindrop. I'll always hate you!" She screamed and turned away, smacking a boys animal crackers out of his hands.

I don't know why she doesn't like me. Oh well.

I get in my expensive 2017 Chevy Camaro car and try to start it, but the engine doesn't start. I groan and slam the door. Stupid piece of crap. My dad, who is conveniently always on business trips, doesn't care enough to get me a good car.

Even though it's sunny outside, it begins to rain.

Shivering, I look around and realize that nobody else is here. Great! I have to walk ten minutes to my house that is oddly close to school!

I start to walk when a range rover with tinted windows rolls up next to me. I don't run away, but instead stop. The window rolls down to reveal Xavier Black Tyler Thorn.

"Get in." He sighed like he was giving up his life for me.

I got in despite the fact that I don't even know him that well AND he's my number two bully. In front of him is Amber.

"Um, hi." Xavier looks at me weird.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" I ask, looking at my reflection in my phone.

"No, you're just so beautiful!" Xavier exclaims as he pulls up to my four story mansion. I wonder how he knew where I lived.

I look at him in shock.

"You think I'm beautiful?" Why does he say this? He hurts me every day at school!

"Yes. April Marie Kelly Summer Rose Raindrop, I have loved you ever since I first met you in elementary school because that is totally plausible."

"I love you too, Xavier Black Tyler Thorn, I love you!"

Xavier leans over the center console and starts to kiss me.

It was like fireworks on my lips. His lips are very soft, and I wonder what chapstick he wears.

Xavier pulls away and strokes my face with his rough and huge hand. I wonder why his hand is so rough; it's not like he has to do any physical labor. His family is loaded.

"I have to go for absolutely no reason now. You should go inside because it is pouring rain. I will take care of your car, don't worry about it," Xavier winks as I get out of his car.

"Ok, thanks. See ya!"

He speeds off into the sunset even though it is only 3:30, taking my heart with him.

Sigh. He is so hot. I forgive him for everything.

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