Chapter 11// The harsh goodbyes

Start from the beginning

   I ran out the house, and jumped into my car seat

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   I ran out the house, and jumped into my car seat. As I listened to Shawn's album I just smiled and kept the tears in. As I arrived at Shawn's house, him and his family were already waiting outside already. They came into my car. Shawn sat in the front with me. His parents and his sister, Aaliyah, sat in the back. Shawn grabbed my hand, and my face burned up, because his parents and sister were watching us.

  As we arrived at the airport. A big bulky man, was sitting on one of the benches outside and immediately stood up when my car arrived.

  "Shawn who is that?"

  "It's my body guard."

   "Oh okay," I said sighing.

   He grabbed my hand and smiled. We walked inside as his bodyguard and family walked behind us. We we checked in his bags. We waited near the gate, but before we did, we had gotten Starbucks, because it was pretty cold that day. As we sat down, he grabbed my hand. And intertwined our finger. His hands were warm from holding the coffee in his hands. I put my head on his shoulder and he went on Twitter before they called for his flight.

  When his flight was called, I felt my heart drop into my stomach. I wasn't ready to leave him yet. As we got up, tears began to fall down my face. We kissed my cheek and wiped the tears off.

  "Em--its going to be okay. I will FaceTime you every night to say goodnight to you. No matter the time zone. Okay?"

   "Okay. Babe. I hope you have a safe flight. "

  "Thanks babe." We continue walking with our hands intertwined, as a bunch of fans came running towards us, one smacked my hands away, which at that moment it was the harshest goodbye. I began to feel tears well up in my eyes. He looked back at me worried. I tried running towards him no matter the cost of getting hurt by the fan girls, but his bodyguard pushed me away.

  "Hey girl, back off he's mine. He's mine!" one of the girls stated.

  "Oh my gosh that's the girl from Instagram. Ew get away from here see he's even leaving you behind," another said. This time I pushed through all the girl, with all my might, I pushed his bodyguard seats

  I grabbed his cheeks and kissed him one last time.

  "I love you Shawn. Don't forget about me within these four months that are coming out way."

  "I promise Emma. I love you."

  I felt a force push me back which was one of his fans and she pushed me so hard I fell to the floor, and I sprained my ankle

   "Oh my gosh! Emma! Are you okay?"

   "Help me up, take me to the nearest hospital. Please it hurts." Shawn's dad picked me up bridal style and took me to my car, he placed me in the back seat. Aaliyah spoke to me on the way to the hospital so I could get my mind off the whole situation.

   "If saying that last goodbye, meant getting hurt and getting to kiss him one last time before him leaving, it's worth the pain," I said to Shawn's mom.

  "I love you Shawn Peter Raul Mendes." I whispered to myself

Shawn POV:

  "I love you too," I said to myself inside the plane.

Authors note: hope you enjoyed this chapter. ❤️❤️❤️ and thx to Queen_Blossom for the pictures.

Me, myself, and Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now