The meeting// chapter 4

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Emma POV:
As I looked up, I saw the star of the show, Shawn Mendes. He looked hotter in person then on a huge screen. As we both got up, and he put out a hand, I gasped on how strong he was since he was able to pick me up in one shot.

"I'm so sorry. Here I'll sign your phone. I'm so sorry. Did I hurt you?" He said nervously.

"No. It's okay. It was my fault I shouldn't have been on my phone and walking at the same time," I giggle and explained to handsome boy.

"As an apology, how bout I take you out to dinner with me and my manager?" He asked in a cute smile.

"Sure. Let me just call my friend and let her know I'll be going to dinner," I responded in a slight giggle.

As I called Layla, Shawn stared at me with a smile on his face. I began to blush because no guy has ever looked at me in such a cute way. As I hung up on the phone, Shawn put out his arm so I grab on and walk off with him to his bus.
We pulled up to Nepenthe, and the bus door opened. We both traveled down the steps and into the restaurant. When we got inside we instantly got a table and we both sat down. It was a very nice place.

The waiter took our orders. As the waiter left to go receive our food for us to eat, me and Shawn looked at each other. Then he began to stare at me.

"Why are you staring at me? It's kind of weird," I asked nervously.

"Oh sorry, it's just usually my fans would freak out about coming to dinner with me, but you are different. You're not freaking out. You're just chill. And I kind of find a little attractive," he said slightly blushing.

I felt my face turn hot. It was adorable how someone could make you blush in just an hour.
When we were done eating, I asked Shawn's bus driver to drop me off at home. So as we got closer to my house, I listened to Shawn practice on his guitar. I never knew how amazing someone could sound like an angel.

As we got to my house, I jumped out of my seat I began to walk to the door. And then Shawn got up and ran in front of me.

"Sorry, but I was wondering if you would like to do this another time. Like on Friday?" he asked with an innocent smile.

"Okay. What time? 7, 8?" I asked

"8 in the morning. You and me and the beach. We'll just spend the day chilling on the beach having fun," he said with a slight blush beginning to run across his face.

"Okay. See you there, Shawn. You, me and the beach," I replied beginning to walk out of the bus.

"It's a date!" Shawn exclaimed from across my lawn. I shut my door and smile. Couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach. Maybe this was what Layla was talking about. Shawn changing my life.

Me, myself, and Shawn MendesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ