Chapter 2: Problems

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The old woman sighed and mumble to herself. "They didn't talk to each other the last days. I think they are still mad on each other. But yeah, what you expected then. He is so stubborn as a mule and she didn't listen either. Hopefully they gonna make it good... soon." The old woman was cooking and think about something. Then she heard a loud explosion nearly by her. She jumped a little and look around. "What was that?!" She stopped with cooking and walk to the direction where the loud explosion came from. She saw a big hole in the wall, but there was nobody else in the district. "Thats strange." she wondering herself. "I wondering who that did." She looked around and walk outside. Then she saw them fighting outside. "Oowh no... not again. " she mutters herself. Kayle parents was fighting outside and everyone looked them fighting. Nobody stopped the fight, because no one had the courage. The old woman sighed and walk to them and she stopped the fight. Everyone walked away and the old woman yelled. "THANKS FOR HELPING!?" She looked then kayle parents. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU BOTH!" Kayle father was angry and growls. "WHY ARE YOU INTERRUPTING OUR FIGHT OLD WOMAN?! WHO TOLD YOU TO DISBURTING OUR FIGHT?! SINCE WHEN YOU STICK YOUR NOSE INTO OTHER PEOPLE'S BUSINESS?! WHERE DO YOU GET THE NERVE TO SHOW YOUR FACE HERE?! I'M STILL THE MAN HERE IN HOUSE AND I DON'T TOLERATE WHAT HAPPENS IN HOUSE?! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" Kayle father burst out of rage. Both women's looking down and didn't say a word. Kayle father said "I CAN'T HEAR YOU?!" Kayle mother speaks "yes, but..." Kayle father look angry and growls. "SHUT UP!" He goes inside and the both women's stay outside. The old woman asked kayle mother. "What happens?" Kayle mother grumbles "I don't wanna talk about that?!" She walked then away. The old woman sighed and decided to go inside.

Kayle was awake and looked the cats around her. The cats was playing with each other and they didn't notice what happens around them. She tilted her hear and looked them without emotions. Her stomach was growling very hard and she had very hungry. The cats stopped with playing and looked kayle. They come closer to kayle and wanted to be petted. She looked the cats and pets their heads. They enjoyed and meowed very loud. Then a kid heard the cats and walked to them. He came closer to the cats and saw suddenly a baby in the basket. Kayle was looking him only and the kid was standing in the front of her. He was looking around and then he looked kayle again. "A baby? What do a baby here alone with cats surrounded? That's strange..." Kayle stomach was growling again. He chuckled "You must be hungry. Do you have a name?" Kayle didn't understand the kid and was still looking him. He frowned and sit down on the ground in the front of her. Then he saw a card and he grab it. He read it and smiles. "Kayle. That's a boy name, but i don't mind it." Kayle yawned and drifted slowly in sleep. He smiled a little and look around. Then he smell something awful. He covered his nose and mouth and frowned. "You can use a bath and new diapers. But where I gonna find diapers. I can only buy them, but i don't have money for that. What I gonna do." He was standing up and looking her. He was thinking, but sighed then. "I think that i have to steal them. I have no other choices." He walked then away from kayle.

​​​​​​Kayle parents was sitting on the counch, but they didn't look each other or talk with each other. They didn't sit either by each other. It was silence in house for a while, until the old woman walked to them and said something. "Dinner is finished.." Kayle mother nodded and stand up. Kayle father glared her. "Where you going?" He said that rude and rough. "I gonna eat! Do you have a problem with that!" Kayle mother snapped at him. He groans and stand up. "You don't gonna eat! You eat when I eat!" She looked him angry "You don't gonna tell me when I gonna eat! If I wanna eat, then I gonna eat!" He got fierce in his eyes and was fury. Then he walked to her and grab the collar from her shirt. He slapped her face and kayle mother screamed a little. She was touching her cheek and there was a bruise on it. The old woman covered her face and didn't want see what happens. Kayle mother was looking him with tears. He spit on her face and growls. "Don't cry bitch! You listen to me only and you have to listen to what I said!" She was crying from angry. "Why do you acting always like this! You are never nice to me or other people! I'm your wife! Don't you love me then!" He was looking her without emotions and he slapped her other cheek. "I don't care what you said!? You have to respect me!? Be glad that I buyed you and nobody else!?" She was still crying from angry. "It was better that i didn't met you!!! Maybe I was happier if I worked in the palace!!! I wish that you are dead!!!" He was more angry and bursted out of rage. "SHUT UP?!?!?! I SEE THAT YOU DIDN'T LEARN YOUR LESSONS, BUT I WILL TEACH YOU ONE LIKE WE SAIYANS DO?!?!?!" He was smashing her into a wall. She was screaming and crying. He walked to her and holds her throat tightly. She was struggling to get free. He holds her more tightly and she chokes blood. He throwed her into a other wall, like she was a shit of piece. She was still crying and he grab her hair roughly. "AAHHH, T-THAT'S HURT!!! L-LET ME GO!!!" She begged him, but he didn't listen to her. He was still holding her hair roughly and drag her to their bedroom. "IM NOT FINISHED WITH YOU YET!!!" He yelled on her and slam the bedroom door. The old woman didn't saw what happens, but she could only hear it. She was silence crying somewhere else and hoped that it end soon.

The boy sit in the front of kayle and he feed her. He smiled "The worst thing is done. I wondering who your parents are and why you are here alone in the alley. It's not safe here to stay. I think you need a new place." He talks to her like he was her friend. She eats silence her food and he chuckle. "You don't eat like a saiyan, but maybe that would change later if you are grown up. Yeah, I think so. Saiyans are the same if it is about eating. Or maybe not... I guess so." He shrugs and continue to feed kayle. Kayle was finished after a few bites. He was thinking something and throw then the food away. The cats was running to the leftovers and eat it up. He stand up and stretch. "Well, I have to go." She frowned and he frowned at her. "Don't look me like that! I wasn't planning to leave you!" She stopped with frowning and smiled a little. He sighed and pick the basket up. "Lets go to your new house. But first I have to make sure if we are safe." He fly up with the basket in his arms and lands on a roof. He put the basket down and crawl on the roof. He looked down secretly and watch what happens down. "Hmmm... it's not really safe to walk around. What I gonna do now..." He was thinking and sighs then. "We have to wait until it is night. Then is there not much people on streets." He was crawling back to kayle and lay next her. "Lets sleep little one." Kayle was already asleep and he mutters something. He pick her up softly without waking her up and he cover her up under the blankets. "We don't need the basket anymore. I gonna hold you in my arms or maybe I put you on my back." He put her next him and he hold her close to him. He was looking her and fall then slowly asleep. He was lightly snoring and kayle was sleeping peacefully. They sleep hours to wait until it is night. Hoping that it is safe night to go to their house.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2016 ⏰

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