Chapter one: a hard decision

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~ 5 years ago ~

"Where is she! Where is that slut?!" A tall muscular man yelled in house and he search his wife. He was really mad and destroy things. A other woman walks scared to the man. "H-hello sir. W-what are you d-doing here so e-early?" She was shorter then the man, but what older then the man. Her hands was shaking and her voice was softly. The man looked the old woman and raised his voice. "WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?!" He looked her with fierce. "S-she is not h-here sir. She h-had to do something." She tried to calm down, but it didn't help. The man glared the old woman "Explains more!" The old woman calm down and said that she was going to somewhere important. He wanna almost kill the old woman, but he holds in. "That brat! How long she is gone?" She answered back "a hour ago at least". The man was thinking something and the old woman asked if he was alright. "Mind your own business!" He snapped at the old lady. "I'm sorry sir." She looked down and and bow. "Better you are! I don't know why you are still alive!" She was still looking down. "Please sir, I do what i can." The man stormed outside and search his wife. The old woman sighed in relief and clean the mess up.

The man walking madly and thoughts about something. "If she didn't know that I noticed what happens to her. The last time that i saw her was almost a year ago. But there happened a lot things while I was gone. She should understand that. I'm a man and not a ordinary houseman that have to stay home and spend time with their wife. I have important things to do then staying home with that slut. I remember it when I buyed her on the market. She was standing their and tried to escape, but she failed. It was funny to see that, but she was very beautiful. That was the only reason that i buyed her, others King Vegeta would buy her and make her his servant. But she is mine! Only mine and nobody will touch her or look at her!" "Are you alright sir?" A man looked him confused. "Yes, I'm fine." He grunted and didn't look the short man. "Can I help you maybe?" The short man offered some help. "No, I don't need help." The short man replied alright then and walk away. He looks the short man and walk somewhere else.

The old woman was finished with cleaning and go further with her usually routines. "Is he gone?" A young woman was peeking from somewhere "yes, he is gone." The old woman smiles slightly at the young woman. "Did you told him where I was?" She looking the old woman worriedly. "Of course not darling. I don't want that he harm the baby." The young woman sigh in relief "thanks." The old woman said you welcome. Both women's walked to the baby and saw that the baby was sleeping. The old woman hold the baby hand. "Did you gived her already a name?" The young woman strokes the baby cheek. "Her name is... Kayle." The old woman looks the young woman. "Kayle is more a boys name. Why not Kayla?" The young woman shakes no. "Kayle fits more then Kayla. She don't looks like girly girl." The old woman looks down. "What's wrong?" She looked the old woman curiously. "I'm sorry, but you can't hold the baby." The old woman looks her sternly, but her voice sounded disappointed. "Why not? She is mine baby! I won't give her to someone else! I don't leave her alone!" She picks up kayle and hold her tightly to herself. "It's for her own good! Do you want that he kill her, because he want a son and not a daughter?! You know what he thinks about girls! They are weaklings and softly!" She raised her voice, but looks sad. The young woman looks away and hold Kayle more tightly. "I don't care what he think?! She is mine child too and she need me?! If he gonna kill her, I will kill him?!" The old woman begged. "Please... Do you want that he abuse, rape and beat you up again... Do you want that he abused the child too and make her a slut... Is that what you want?" The young woman looks the old woman with tears in her eyes. "I don't care what he did with me... I love her and she need me." Her voice was sadly and helpless. Kayle was still sleeping quiet in her mother arms. The old woman looks Kayle and then the young woman again. "I'm sorry, but she can't stay here. I know it's hard, but it is the best that nobody know about it." The young woman looks down and cries silence. "I can't... I'm sorry." The old woman rubs her back and said if you don't do it, I will do it. "No... I will do it tonight." She looked the old woman with tears. "No, you have to bring her now away! Tonight is it late!" The old woman said sternly and comfort her. She wiped her tears off and looks Kayle. "I'm sorry baby, please forgive..." She hugged Kayle tightly and didn't want let her go. The old woman said that we have to pack up stuffs for Kayle. The young woman nods and said that she give Kayle new clothes. The old woman said alright and walk away. The young woman walks to the bedroom and changed Kayle diaper. Kayle was in deep sleep and sleep quiet. The young woman sighed and smiled slightly at her. "You are a special child Kayle. You gonna do great things and I will be always proud on you, no matter what gonna happens. I love you." She hummed her favourite song sadly and give Kayle new clothes. "I know that you hate pink, for some reason." She frowned. The old woman walks to the young woman. "I'm ready to go." She said. The young woman was almost done and search a basket for Kayle. The old woman looks Kayle and said that she never cried since she born. The young woman found a basket and nod. "I wondering how that is possible, because babies can only cry." She put Kayle in the basket and cover her up with blankets. "Lets go." She grab the basket and walk outside with the old woman. The old woman looks around if it is safe and she lock the door. Both women's walking far away with Kayle.

The man was still searching his wife for hours and was taking now a break. He was eating a lot bananas and looks around. He saw that the street was filled with a lot peoples. There was children's running at street and people's talked with each other. They seemed happy and laughed. The man looked annoyed and glare at everyone while eating bananas. He was thinking about something and mumble to himself. "Maybe she is already home. I should go home." He stand up and start walking home with crossed arms. He ignored everyone around him and glared at the ground. "I wondering what she did all that hours. I hope that she don't hide something for me or others..." He stopped for a minute and looks around. "Nobody have to know that." He opened the door and walks inside. "Hmmm... Where are they?" The man looked around and walks to the living room. "She is not here. Well, then I gonna wait on her." He sat down on the couch and waited on his wife.

The young woman looks at Kayle and take goodbye forever. The old woman said how longer it gonna take, how harder it is to let her go. She nods "I know, but i don't gonna see her anymore." The old woman sighed "It is not the end of the world. You see her maybe in the future." The young woman looks at the old woman. "I guess you are right." It gived the young woman a little bit hope. "We have to go. He must be waiting home on you. We are gone for hours." The old woman say it a little desperate. The young woman sighed disappointed "Alright, let's go." Both women's goes back and they hold each other hand. The old woman said to the young woman to not look behind her. The young woman couldn't leave her baby alone, but she must do it. She holds her tears in and hold the old woman hand tightly. Both walked away from Kayle and didn't return back.

And there was Kayle alone in the basket. Somewhere far away in the dark. Nobody that noticed or heared her. Only a few kittens was near by her, but they where busy with other things. Kayle was still sleeping quiet and didn't know that her mother left her. It's was already night and there was nobody outside. Only a few peoples was outside, but they where going home or going somewhere else. Nobody knew about Kayle and she was there all alone in the cold night. Surrounded by nobody and no one know that she was there.

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