Behind Her Blue Eyes

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(A/n: I think it's time to see through someone else's mind. Enjoy? Xx)


Catastrophe couldn't sleep.

It wasn't new for her any more since she had hardly gotten any rest in the past few months. The blonde sighed to herself and trudged out of bed to sit at her large super computer to at least do something useful with her insomnia.

The Arsyn situation had got to her the most out of the rest of her team and she blamed herself for getting so close to someone else.
It was true though; she wasn't very trusting and that came with the business but she had broken down her walls for Arsyn to see through. She had trusted blindly and now she was paying the consequence for allowing herself to be human.

Focus, Catastrophe thought, blinking rapidly at the computer screen in front of her. She was currently watching surveillance footage from the camera Knockout and Motherchucker had installed outside Justin's apartment, the week before.

The blonde spent a long few hours simply rewinding and replaying every minute of the past week, hoping to catch the people that had hired him, but it was in vain. Justin, the blonde druggie was still holed up in his cell downstairs and the blue eyed woman contemplated taking a little trip and interrogating him.

Don't be silly, it's 3am. Even he doesn't deserve that kind of torture.

Ow. There was that throbbing in her head again. It popped up on time almost every hour during her insomniac nights and none of the medication Cat had been taking seemed successful in keeping it at bay.
Gently massaging her temples, the blue eyed woman walked over to the wooden chest pushed against the far east wall. She dug under all of her stuff to find the small pack of cigarettes. Swift stared at the warning on the front and smiled sarcastically before popping the last one left into her mouth and lighting it.

We're going to die on this job any way.

It had been a month since she'd last smoked but she had been in withdrawal ever since. This made the blonde savour the horrible taste tobacco left on her tongue when she took the first drag. Exhaling slowly, the blonde stepped out onto the balcony. She shivered slightly as the winds hit her but the view was breathtaking since she was up on the 13th floor.

Welvin had warned her about coming out here since it was only shielded as long as she was inside but the blonde figured that nobody was really watching at 3am. Besides, the balcony was the only reason she had chosen this floor to be her living quarters for the duration of this wild goose chase.

The city was still lit in most parts; it was what had attracted the woman so many times in her life: It never slept. After a few more tokes out in the city air, Swift felt the headache subside and her vision become slightly hazy.

That's enough lung tarnishing for one night, she thought, flicking off the ashes on the edge of the cigarette. However, she knew that her body simply wouldn't let go of it when it was feeling so good and warm.
Cat was always good at convincing her mind of the things she needed to do. It was what had catapulted her to the position she was in. Reluctantly stubbing the half done cigarette after a few more drags, she went back in to try and get some more work done.

After another hour of hunting through days of footage, Cat managed to note anomalies in the daily patterns of the neighbourhood. The same black sedan passed by the camera every morning at 11am, a homeless man walked past the frame twice a day: once in the morning and back at 6pm, there was a man walking his dog past the frame every afternoon at around 3pm. So far the only thing interesting about the footage was when a pizza delivery boy had stopped by at Justin's apartment right after Kloss and Chuck had taken him out.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2016 ⏰

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