Chapter 2 : Hiding out

Start from the beginning

"And to think that poor man spent all night stomping around the club asking perfect strangers if they knew a hot chick in black, with the prissy accent," she guffawed heightening Sierra's discomfiture, before sticking the knife in further, "You should have seen him babe, it was ridiculous, they almost threw him out because he made all this noise about checking the bathroom himself. It took a whole group of blokes to get him to calm down. He kept ranting and raving about the chick in black and demanding her friend step forward."

Sierra felt a sudden spurt panic rise within her, "You didn't do that, did you?"

Not missing a beat Ella replied grinning, "Maybe I did, and maybe I didn't," and collapsed into the cushiony softness of the corner sofa, negligently resting her jean clad legs on the coffee table.

"Ella if you told that maniac where to find me, I swear to god I will shoot you."

Laughing, Ella completely ignored that threat, "Well you'll be finding out soon enough, I reckon,"

Sierra wanted to launch the fruit bowl sitting innocently in front of her on the kitchen counter at her annoying best friend's head. She could bet that would wipe the smirk right off of her face, and dislodge a few of those pearly white teeth Ella was insolently flashing her way too.

"I am serious Ella, that man wasn't right in the head." Sierra exclaimed, feeling annoyed when she felt a twinge of guilt at describing him this way. As if she owed him anything!

"Yeah sure," Ella shot back disparagingly, "Just because a fit man like that wanted to screw you six ways to Sunday you up and leave with your panties in a bunch like a ninny."

"Bugger off," Sierra snapped, mad at Ella for needling her and angry with herself for letting her. "Just tell me you didn't say anything,"

"Alright, alright, I didn't say anything. But I think you're an idiot for not taking him up on his offer, you're long overdue a good screwing and that walking advertisement for testosterone looked like he was more than up to the task,"

Ella chuckled after that florid statement, seemingly proud of her dubious pun, Sierra made a face and walked over to her cheeky girlfriend with two mugs of steaming hot coffee, placing them on the coasters lodged on the shiny glass topped surface of her coffee table. 

She took a seat on the frayed armchair, facing Ella.

As her friend reached for the steaming mug, Sierra inwardly hoped Ella burned her tongue, a nasty thought but hardly unwarranted.

"You make me sound like a frigging light bulb,"

Ella only giggled.

For a few minutes they both sat in companionable silence, drinking their coffee. Age old friendships were that way, one didn't need to constantly chirp on and gossip, sometimes these moments of quiet contemplation were almost as meaningful as deep conversation.

"So what was the real reason you ran away?"

Sighing deeply, Sierra rolled her eyes. She should have known Ella wouldn't drop it.

"Babe, I told you," Sierra said, keeping her tone as noncommittal as she could make it, "He was coming on too strong, Plus the arsehole wouldn't take no for an answer and I had had just about enough of his cheesy innuendos. I didn't want to be there anymore, you were too busy dancing with those muscle heads you found so I thought I would leave you to it."

"And that was why you jumped out the bathroom window to exit the scene gracefully,"

Sierra grit her teeth, "No I didn't jump out the window, and you damn well know it," She snapped.

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