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<outside the Office, Chanyeol was leaning against the wall waiting for Eunji>
<Eunji opens the door and was shock to see Chanyeol>
Chanyeol: Oh, Eunji I have something to ask you...would your boyfriend beat me up for "dating" you?
Eunji: Pwa haha, why would he beat you up and besides I don't have a boyfriend.
Chanyeol: Oh really! Then Jieun...
Eunji: That's what I was about to talk to you about, she's not my daughter, she was left at the doorstep of our hotel after our concert and we had to take care of her since we were left wih no choice...
Chanyeol: Oh really!{Yes, Yes, Yes, thank god she's still single, here's your chance Chanyeol tell her that you like her} <looks at Eunji> Umm... Eunji do...
Eunji: <walks away>Bye Chanyeol. Sigh~ see you later
Chanyeol: <devastated> Bye...{Why are you so stupid! Why didn't you say it} <slaps his forehead>
<Apink were in the living room  watching the news, when they heard the news, Eunji still has yet to tell the members about the news>
Eunji:< was busy helping Jieun change her diapers>
Apink:<watching the news>
Bomi: <spits out the ramen she was eating> What!
Namjoo: <looks at Chorong> Unnie did you hear that?
Chorong: <eyes widened>
Eunji: <walks out from the room>
Apink:<stares at her>
Eunji: What?
Hayoung:<points to the television>
Eunji: Oh that... I forgot to tell you guys, oppa wants me and Chanyeol to date for a while since many fans are going crazy over the kiss scene and that we have no evidence of why both of us are not dating and blah blah...
Chorong: But you don't even like him!
Eunji: {he's quite a decent men...} Ahem, yeah! I know right! Oh yah, guys I have another goods news, Jieun will be living with us for another year!
Apink: Yay!
Chorong: Has oppa found her mother yet?
Eunji: No, that's the reason why he wants us to take care of her, he also told me that if they don't find her mother by the end of the year, he might consider placing Jieun in the orphanage!
Bomi: What! But she's just a baby...
Eunji: Let's just hope that her mother appears sooner or later...
<the next day>
<Exo-ls were standing outside Apink's dorm with signs written "go die Eunji" on them, worst of all, they had eggs in their hands waiting for the right moment to throw it at Eunji when she comes out>
Chorong: <Peaks at the window> How did they even find out where we live? This is bad, really bad...
Namjoo: What should we do unnie?
Eunji: Their targeting me, so I think you guys should be fine. I'm sorry for pulling you into this mess...
Naeun: We have to leave this dorm, as we are running out of food supplies and also Jieun is with us, fans might start a new rumour about her too. We have to protect her from the media no matter what.
Eunji: {What should we do?}
<The door to apink's dorm unlocked itself, and apink's manager had appeared>
Apink: Oppa!
Eunji: <runs to him> oppa what did the company say?
Oppa: <shook his head> Both companies have decided to bring you, Chanyeol and also Jieun out of the country for the time being, this is the best way let the matter die down.
Eunji: Then what about my members?
Manager: They'll be fine, the media is only targeting you and Chanyeol, also you guys have a baby living with you, many people will think otherwise and start up a new rumor about it, if another rumor were to arise, you, Eunji may lose your job. So pack both your bags now, a car is waiting at the back of the building and Chanyeol is waiting for you inside. You guys will be staying in Chanyeol's mansion in Jeju Island for the time being, so be prepared.
Eunji: Yes<looking at her members with sadness in her eyes> byundae for causing so much trouble
Chorong: You be careful ok, take care of both Jieun and yourself. We will contact you when the crowd has died down now ok.
Bomi: Group hug!
Apink: <group hugs>
Namjoo: Who are we!
Apink: Apink!
Namjoo: Where are we!
Apink: The place we dreamed of ! <crying>
Eunji: Bye girls, take care and I'll see you soon.
Apink: Take care!
Eunji:<carried Jieun in one hand and walked out of the dorm with a black mask and hat covering her face>
Manager: <carried Eunji's luggage down to the car>
<at the basement>
<door open>
Chanyeol: <looks around> Quickly get in, we have to get out of this place before the fans realize you're gone.
Eunji: <gets in the front seat while carrying Jieun>
Manager: <looks at Eunji> I have placed your luggage in the boot, I will not be going there with you so take care okay <looks at Chanyeol> if anything happens to them, you're dead alright.
Chanyeol: Don't worry, I'll take care of them.
Eunji: Bye oppa take care of the girls ok<closes the door and looks at Chanyeol> lets go.
<On the road to Jeju island, Eunji fell alseep while carrying Jieun>
Chanyeol: <Looks at her and smiles> Byundae Eunji ah for causing you so much trouble~<caresses her face>
<Arrived at Chanyeol's mansion>
<Chanyeol stops the car and looks at Eunji who was still sleeping soundly, he got out of the car and carried Jieun from Eunji's arms and passes her to his maid who was waiting for him in front of the gigantic house>
Maid: <shocked> sir? Is this your child?
Chanyeol: <smiles> Yes, now get in before she gets a cold.
Maid: Yes sir<carries Jieun into the house>
Chanyeol: <went back to the car and carried Eunji out bridal style and went into the house>
Maid: <looks at Eunji> Oh my! Who is this?
Chanyeol: She's my wife, now show me where's my room?
Maid: its there <points to a on the second floor room>
Chanyeol: <carries Eunji to the room and places her carefully on the bed without waling her up> Wow, you must've been very tired <covers the blanket over Eunji and leaves the room>
Maid: <standing outside the room and waiting for Chanyeol>
Chanyeol: <leaves the room>
Maid: oh! Sir!
Chanyeol: Shhh, let's go talk at the living room <walks towards the living room where Jieun was sleeping on the couch>
Maid: But sir, since when did youget married and when did you have a child? Does your parents know about this? Did you invite them to your wedding? When did you two meet?
Chanyeol: Ahjumah! You're asking too many questions. Ok, I'll tell you everything you need to know later when my wife wakes up ok, also, we
will be staying here for a while, so during your off days from Monday to Friday, could you buy us some food and store them in the refrigerator since we can't go out. Oh yah, could you buy some baby stuff too. Thanks Ahjumah.
<8:30 pm>
Eunji: <wakes up to see an unfamiliar room> Where am I? How did I get here? Where's Jieun?
Maid: <opens the door to find Eunji awake> Oh! You're awake madam, sir is downstairs playing with your daughter, should I prepare dinner now?
Eunji: Oh! Yes, sure.
Maid: Your dinner will be prepared by 9pm, you may call me if you need any help.
Eunji: Oh, yes, yes, Thank you <gets up from the bed and bows> Oh, Umm may I ask whose house is this?
Maid: My, its your husband's house of course, didn't you know?
Eunji: What! My husband! Since when did I get...{Stupid girl, its Chanyeol's house! But why did she Chanyeol as my husband?}
Maid: Is there anything you need madam?
Eunji: Oh, no, no, you may carry out your duties now, also you can call me Eunji. <smiles>
Maid: Yes, Eunji~shi<leaves the room>
<Once she had left the room, Eunji went to the living room to find Jieun and Chanyeol>
<In the living room, Chanyeol and Jieun were playing together happily, it looked as though they were really father and daughter>
Eunji: <smiles and lean against the wall> {Wah~they look so cute together}
Chanyeol: <looks towards Eunji's direction>Oh Eunji, you're awake, I was planning to let you sleep more since you looked so tired just now, are you still feeling tired now?
Eunji: <shakes her head> No, I don't feel tired at all. Oh right,<claps her hands> how did I end up sleeping upstairs?
Chanyeol: Oh that,<blushes> I carried you up there since you were sleeping so soundly in the car and I didn't want to wake you up.
Eunji: <blushes> You what?
Chanyeol: I didn't do anything to you, I just carried you up there, please don't misunderstand.
Eunji: No, no, its ok, I know you mean well. But how did you manage to carry me. Aren't I heavy?
Chanyeol: No, you were as light as a feather, right Jieun<plays with Jieun to escape the awkward situation>
Eunji: <smiles> Come here Jieun ah <walks towards Jieun>
Jieun:<immediately hugs Eunji>
Chanyeol: Woah, appa is starting to feel jealous Jieun, I thought you liked me more.<tickles Jieun>
Jieun: <giggles>
Eunji: Looks like she likes omma more than appa right Jieun ah~{omo what did I just say! Did I just refer him as my husband, oh my god what did you just do...}
Chanyeol: A...ppa<flustered>{oh my gosh, did Eunji just referred to me as Jieun's dad? I'm so happy!!!}

Apink Baby TroubleWhere stories live. Discover now